{~} Kanashi The Broken {~}

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Implications of rape and abuse are used in this chapter, if you feel uncomfortable with this topic please skip when you see this sign {[!!!}} when you see it for the second time the scene is over

The explosion was small and harmless to the dragon slayer. To the dragon slayer. Practically half the building was on fire and blown to bits, but Natsu merely shook it off and went back to looking for the black haired spy. "Where are you!" He shouted but was only met with silence.

"-tsu! Natsu! Do you read me?"

"Warren?" Th pinkette muttered.

"Yeah it's me, I need you to do me a favor and give me the base location." Natsu's onyx eyes were wide, he hadn't expected for anyone else from the guild to help. "I'm not at the base right now, but I'm somewhere near it." Both explosions at each buildings caused his sense of smell to go fuzzy but with the strong smell of strawberries from Nashi and now Lucy's scent had his eyes staring East.

"Knowing Salamander that cloud of dust has got to be him." This time the voice was not Warren's, but was now Gajeel's. "Shut up metal head." Natsu scoffed and noticed the smoke that was climbing it's ways above the trees from the fire. Thanks to the explosion the whole back wall of the testing room was gone and left an entrance to nature.

The onyx eyed 'man' jumped down from the opening and lit his hands, using them as jets to soften his landing. As he landed he heard soft sniffling from behind him. The dragon slayer turned around to see his blue partner cuddled around a object. "Happy?"

Natsu picked up the blue cat and warmed his hands up to act as a heating pad in attempts to make the sad cat feel better. He was covered in dirt and scratches and he looked like he had ran around the world.

"Why the hell are you here?" He asked softly as he started walking in attempts to find Gajeel, Warren and whoever else was there as backup.



The little cat shook with fright as he made his way up the stairs and around the hall, racing to find Natsu. Happy fell through a couple floors during the explosion in the secret base, but thanks to his wings he was able to stop his fall.

As he was looking for his friend he came across a rather angry white haired man who was muttering bits and pieces of his plan to kill Zeref and destroy history, this information had Happy racing for his pink haired partner.

Just as he came to the right door he saw his friend disappear and end up in a completely different area while he was holding onto Telle. "Natzu!" The cat yelled and raced after his friend.


"Natzu.." The cat mumbled and held out his burnt paws to reveal the blue cube he managed to snag before it was eaten by Natsu's flame. "You shouldn't have burned the other's these are very important." Even with all the information Happy had to say his eyes got slightly droopy.

"Shh, just go to sleep bud." Natsu said, still walking. "But you don't-" The cat was cut off by black dots clouding his vision and his head suddenly overcoming with the sense of pain. "You breathed in to much of that smoke, most of that stuff was burning chemicals, I can't imagine it being good for you. Just go to sleep and I'll get you to Wendy."

The cat tried to nod but it only brought a sharp pain to his head. "Just eat it when your fighting Ketsu."

The dragon slayer had no idea who this 'Ketsu' guy was but he trusted his exeed enough to follow his instructions blindly. "You got it buddy." He whispered as he watched his friend doze off, most likely not waking up until he was healed.

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