{~} Guild Marks {~}

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Gabriel growled under his breath as he watched the blonde goggle over food while cracking jokes with his sister. He was currently hiding on one of the support beams that Panther Lily helped him get up in order to spy on the pair. 

"Look at that cake!" Luke drooled at the sight and Gabriel peered over slightly to see a slice of vanilla cake with a juicy strawberry on top. "Aunt Erza would go crazy for that." Gale said with a giggle. 

"Wait she can get even more crazy?" They both laughed. 

"Hey Luke?" Gale asked suddenly to which the boy flipped the page and hummed in response. "So, um, there's this... competition happening tomorrow." Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at her. "Competition?"

She nodded. "When Uncle Laxus and dad had Gabriel and Lirah they had little battles to prove which kid was smarter and stronger, eventually the whole thing just became a big  tournament that every kid in the guild gets to join." Her words became muffled slightly in Luke's head as he just thought about this chance to beat Storm and Otoko up.

"Usually you do it in teams so I was wondering..." She trailed off slightly. 

"How does you, me, and Nashi sound?" Gale smiled. "Can Sylvia join too?" Luke thought for a moment, he hadn't had a chance to see her power but he figured she could be useful. 


"Alright I'll go tell Storm to get ready." Luke nearly choked on his spit. "Hold on a moment I never agreed on Ice Freak." The girl put her hands on her hips. "And who exactly made you the leader, hmm?"

He stood quiet for a moment. "Storm is really powerful Luke, with him and Sylvia together they could surely push us to the top!" She shouted, pumped up to win. Gale had always wanted to win the tournament but never bothered to enter as she was not confident in her ability alone.

The boy groaned. 'How cold I say no to that.' "Fine." He said glumly.

Gale squealed and rushed out of the library to tell the others about there team.

 "Wait for me!"


Red eyes flared with anger as he watched the two leave. The boy jumped down from his hiding spot with a loud thud before rushing to the masters office. 

The thought of the blonde getting to close to his sister fueled his anger as he slammed his fist on the oak door. "Gramps!" He shouted with another slam. "Open up!" 

Suddenly the door slammed open to reveal the short old man with a blush over his face. "What do you want? I was busy." Of course busy meant her was looking at his perverted magazines again but Gabriel simply shrugged it off and walked into the office.

"Did you know that new kid was thinking 'bout signing up for Fairy Tail's tournament?" He shouted while slumping into the large red chair across from the masters desk. Makarov simply raised his large eyebrows and sat across from the boy.

Thoughts ran through the old mans head. He didn't know if exposing the children's power to everyone would be a danger or a blessing but he calmed down after remembering that it would just be the guild in the audience. 

"And that is a problem why?"  

Gabriel's eyebrows twitched. "What do you mean 'How is it a problem'? That little twerp is not even part of the guild!"

To this the master let out a hardy laugh. The boy clenched his fist as he felt like an idiot but did not understand why this was funny. "My boy, Luke and his siblings have been in the guild for nearly four days I think I can make an exception for them."

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