{~} Help From Fairy Tail {~}

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~Fairy Tail~

Lucy paced back and forth, two blocks down from the guild she hadn't seen in years. "Where are they..." She muttered it's been almost half an hour since the children went to get Luna and there was no sight of them. 

"Nashi? Star boy?" 

"Igneel! Where are you?"

"Here pinky, come out, come out, where ever you are! You to blondie!" 

Hearing the names of her children being called, the woman walked a little way over to see a group of kids shouting. "Hey look!" Storm yelled and pointed to Lucy. "It's their mother!"

The children gathered in front of Lucy. "Do you know where Nashi and Comet Bozo-" He was cut off by a jab to his side from Gale. "I mean Luke are?" 

Lucy was in her own world. The boy was a spitting image of his parents, all of them were. "Um, Mrs. Dragneel?" Gale asked, gaining Lucy's attention. 

She shook her head. "Sorry, I spaced out, why are you looking for them may I ask." 

Lirah looked down at the ground, a light blush covering her cheeks. "We were going to ask if they could stay longer, you see we've become really close to them, we even became teams." She said quietly and Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, even the blondie ain't so bad, I mean as long as he stays away from my sister." 

Lucy was surprised by the bonds her children formed and smiled slightly. "Why don't we find them and we can discuss it?" She told them gently. Lucy didn't want to leave Natsu, but she also didn't want to drag her kids down with her. 

"Uh, um.." A small voice said. The blonde looked down to see two exeeds, a two-toned and a blue one with sad eyes. She had to stop herself from throwing herself at them and apologizing over and over as she realized that they weren't Happy. "We found something." 

Lucky put up his little white paw to show a small purple dart in his hand and Luna's red dragon in the other, the stuffing of the dragon peeking out of the stomach. "What happened?" Blue asked curiously and watched as the woman took the plushie and dart from them. 

After many attacks on Fairy Tail, the blonde knew better than to think this was a coincidence. "No.." She muttered. 

As the panic on Lucy's face began to show, it slowly seeped to the children and exeeds. "Our parents can help! They're wizards of Fairy Tail." Storm said proudly. Before Lucy could respond Blue and Lucky were already zooming away.

"We got this!" Blue yelled followed by an 'Aye Sir!' from his brother. 

Lucy took a deep breath, she didn't want to do this. But her children were in trouble, they could be hurt or worse. Finally, the blonde admitted something she hadn't ever since she left the guild. She wanted to say this every time she found out she was pregnant, every time her kid's got sick and she didn't know how to help, every time she woke up to an empty bed. 

She needed help. 


Natsu just looked at the ground, trying to think what her words could have meant. 

A mistake to marry him? A mistake to fall in love with him? A mistake to leave Fairy Tail? He didn't know, but he hoped that the answer was 'no' to all of these questions. A low whistle came from behind him. 

"You really did it this time, flame brain." 

Natsu whirled around to see the smirking face of Gray, but his eyes held sadness. The fire dragon slayer was absolutely speechless, a whole decade without contact and yet Gray was treating him as if it happened all yesterday. 

"What do you want, Gray?" Even Natsu was a little taken back by how he said his real name, it felt so unnatural. "I didn't mean to get up on your and Lucy's business, but my kids are really attached to yours, I figured I'd talk to there parents, didn't expect it to be you guys." 

Mest's magic was not working at this point, Gray had full awareness of everything. The moment he realized the true identity of the kids, the headache stopped. "I don't know what to do." The pinkette admitted. The ice mage nodded and sat down at a nearby bench, Natsu following him. It was silent for a brief period until Gray finally talked.

"The guild isn't the same without you and Lucy, Levy keeps on reading Lucy's favorite books, Erza is tearing herself apart, heck even Gajeel missed you guys." Natsu was surprised by the information. "And gramps?"

"Worse of all, his drinking habit has gotten worse, and I mean real bad Natsu, to the point were Porlyusica is worried about his health." Natsu kept a blank expression. "Still don't know why he kicked me out?" Now it was Gray's turn to keep a blank expression. He slowly shook his head. 

"But, I do know this. If you walked into those doors right now he wouldn't have the heart to kick you out." Natsu and Gray made eye contact and the fire dragon slayer saw only truth in his eyes. 

"Thanks, ice princess."

"Anytime flame brain"




"Fire retard." 


By this point, both 'men' were standing up, heads bumping, fists up, but smiles on there faces. 

"Natsu! Gray-sama!" Both turned around to see a frantic Juvia running towards them. "Something has happened!"


Is it bad that I laughed when I wrote Natsu and Gray's little scene? I could just hear your voices saying "Alright, calm down before someone gets hurt." But let me just say this, THE BROMANCE CONTINUES. I felt like you guys deserved an extra chapter that is not a teaser so here it is! I'm still updating tomorrow, this is just a little pop-up. I can't add pictures to the next couple chapters because my phone has been acting up, hope you guys can understand.

 I hope you guys like it!

Fri. Aug 30. 19

975 Words


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