{~} Enenra And Kanashi {~}

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~Somewhere Far Away~

Two girls in revealing clothing giggle as they sit in the dark red loveseat inside a dark room. "Enjoying you stay ladies?" A cunning voice asked as the person came from behind them. The man placed a hand on each of the girls shoulders as they continued to giggle.

"Of course we are Mr. Doku, how could we not." The brunette who sat of left side of the couch said. "I mean we are in a demon house." She added. The man shook his head and stepped in front of the two. 

He wore a thick leather suit that covered all his skin except his face. Spikes littered the cuffs of his suit around his hands and shoulders and the girls could here the heavy 'clank' of his heavy rubber boots as he came close to the brunettes face. He leaned down close her lips and the girl looked hopefully in his dull green eyes. 

Suddenly she began choking as a clear lime colored gas formed around Doku's body. Her blue eyes became lifeless as she dropped to the floor dead. 

"Don't call me Mr. Doku, Karmen, it makes me feel old." He said to the red haired who was shuffling to the farthest corner of sofa. Karmen nodded her head rapidly not wanting to die. "Yes Enenra." She said.

"Good." Enenra ran his gloved fingers through his dark green, almost black, hair. A long scar ran over his jaw line from below his ear to his chin, gentle stubble forming  over it. "Shall we continue with the tour?" 

Karmen slowly got up and followed the poisonous man to another dark and shady room that had nothing but a large dark curtains hiding the back wall.

The woman shook her head in fear and she watched Enenra with a close eye. "I told you about Zeref's Demons and such, correct?" She nodded, to afraid to speak. "Out of all the demons Zeref created only one would ever be strong enough to kill him." 

"E.N.D." Karmen muttered. 

"Precisely." He said and started pacing around her. "Your friend- what was her name again?" 

"Tabitha." The red head said through slightly gritted teeth, angry that her friend got murdered and forgotten so easily. Enenra gave her a sharp eye to which she quickly calmed herself and looked down. "Yes, Tabitha, she was quite wrong when she said this was a demon castle, the purpose of us is to kill Zeref, even if its illegal it's for a good cause." 

The woman lifted her head and stared at him with wide eyes. "But how would be the question." He said raising his arms before plopping them back at his side. "E.N.D is the only thing that can kill him but no one knows where he is, right?" 

He than turned to the scared girl. "And yet we found him." He started chuckling which slowly died off into cackling from a maniac. "But how will you get him to kill Zeref without the book?" She asked. 

To this he started to laugh more, to the point where tears formed in his eyes. "Tell me, Karmen, what do you call a child with the parents of a demon and a human?" 

Karmen's blue eyes held question not sure what he meant. "Hidden amongst the crowd E.N.D fell in love, getting distracted from his true purpose to get stronger until he could kill Zeref and had kids!" His laughter never stopped as he watched her expressions of confusion. 

"Four of them." He said in between chuckles as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "If we can't kill Zeref with E.N.D, we'll kill him with the half bloods."

Enenra's boots made more 'clunk' sounds as he walked to the curtain and ripped it from its hinges. 

"N-n-no way!" Karmen gasped, throwing her hand to her lipstick covered mouth in shock.

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