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Hey guys!

So I was checking my Emails and I recently got one from my school saying that I've had straight As for the past three years! Now you may be asking why I am telling you guys this, simply because the day after telling my family I come back to hear meowing under my bed.

My dad adopted two kittens as a present to me! I already have two cats (hairless because my mom is allergic) but they literally hate my guts so I was so happy for these two! They're both girls and are going to be living with my father (because they have fur, don't want my mom dying on me) so I most likely won't have many pictures of them since they will be so far away and I rarely go to my father's home but I'll try to show you guys them when I do have more pictures.

My dad adopted two kittens as a present to me! I already have two cats (hairless because my mom is allergic) but they literally hate my guts so I was so happy for these two! They're both girls and are going to be living with my father (because the...

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This one is older, you can't tell in the pictures but she has green eyes, hopefully it stays that way because they're really pretty! Both of 'em don't have a name so we've just been calling her Puma till we chose one

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This one is older, you can't tell in the pictures but she has green eyes, hopefully it stays that way because they're really pretty! Both of 'em don't have a name so we've just been calling her Puma till we chose one.

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And here is the younger female! She's so cuddly and loving, but is a bit of an attention seeker like Gizmo

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And here is the younger female! She's so cuddly and loving, but is a bit of an attention seeker like Gizmo. We've been calling her Tigress but she doesn't have a premiant name yet.

My sister wants to name Puma T'Challa (after black panther) and Tigress Shuri (black panthers sister) but she has yet to realize they are both female. I honestly have no idea what to name them but I know if I don't choose soon that my brother will name them something dumb like Godzilla and Michelangelo (fun fact, before I was born he named our red ear sliders that, even my three year old self could tell it was dumb so I changed it to Spike and Joey) so if you guys have any names I would really like to hear them!

I'm stumped on what to name them honestly so you guys would be a big help! Looks like Gizmo will have to share the spotlight from now one since these three are the only animals that actually like to take pictures!


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