{~} Saving Luna {~}

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Kanashi smirked as the machine continued to hum. Even if the room was empty the items in the room began to shake, even the walls seems to come alive. Flakes of concrete separated from the walls that they were connected to and danced around the ball in the center of the gate. "By the time the moon faces the proper direction, it will have stored enough energy to go through." The black haired woman said lovingly. "With your brother's power of course."

As the vibrations surrounded Luna she covered her ears and buried her head in her lap, scared that the walls would somehow close in or eat her from the roaring noise. "Aw, calm down little one." Kanashi said in a mocking voice and went to grab a lever.

"Might as well see if it's working properly." She said more to herself then Luna. Her black nails grazed the leather cushion of the lever before pulling it down with a slam. "Do you know how we were able to pull this dolly without your brother nor the gate keys?" The sad woman asked, the ball in the center of the gate was spinning rapidly, yellow and silver fighting to be in front until it eventually span so fast that it looked like one black blur.

Luna didn't bother to hear the answer to Kanashi's question, she was to busy trying to keep the awful hum from rattling her brain. The vibrations scared the little girl, so much to the point that a fear of tiny spaces such as this sprang in her head. This was a memory she could not forget, or at least this feeling was.

Kanshi continued to rant, something about 'Iwian' and 'Eclipse Gate' but the girl heard nothing of it. A smirk played on the woman's lips before she peered over at the gate.

"The gate can only bring us random items since no one on the other side is there to think of a particular place or time." Suddenly the black orb began to stretch slightly, like a portal and out dropped a gold item. A few voices could be heard on the other side.

"Lady Layla be careful, come back inside!" A man yelled.

"Wait, I lost a key where's A-" The little girl named 'Layla' was cut off by the portal closing and Kanashi picked up the gold item which was recognized as a key.

The humming in the room slowed but did not stop completely, the machine was still 'warming up' for the transportation of the Dragneels.

Whatever the little girl was doing, it must have been dirty because the gold key was covered in mud and muck, in fact the whole head of the key was so thickly covered that you couldn't see the blue symbol on it.

"Must be some old shed key." Kanashi muttered. When Luna finally composed herself a feeling of warmth came to her. Her onyx orbs looked at the key slowly and she reached out for it, for whatever reason she felt drawn to the object.

Luna made grabby hands at the object and Kanashi scoffed. "You know what? I'm feeling kind of generous, why don't you keep it as a gift." The black haired woman said softly and tossed the key right in front of the pink haired girl.

Luna quickly picked it up in her chubby and hands and carefully cleaned it with her shirt to reveal the odd blue zig zag pattern.

Suddenly, the roaring vibrations came back causing Luna to drop the key in shock. "I might as well test it a few more times." Kanashi muttered with a smirk and watched as the orb spun again. She knew very well that one test was not even necessary, but seeing the child struggle to keep herself together brought her grate joy.

Tears flowed out Luna's eyes like a fountain, the pinkette curled into a ball on the floor bawling her eyes out. A small puddle formed at her head, but she was to frightened to notice. The purple eyed woman stood over the child. Whatever the gate was trying to pull out was definitely bigger then the key because the vibrations got bigger, so much in fact that the small cube in her pocket fell out.

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