{~} The End {~}

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(I  have a prize for the first five people to vote AND comment on the last chapter will get  top secret reward, so don't forget to do so!)

Cheers and shouts could be heard from inside the Fairy Tail guild. It had been three hours since there victory  against Ketsu and the guild had still been celebrating. It was, after all, the first time Fairy Tail had been together in over a decade. Lucy sighed as she watched tables being tossed around the room and magical spells flying at one another. 'They're at it again', she thought as her friends were battling each other.

Ketsu along with Telle and Ota had successfully escaped through the Eclipse Gate, although, no one belived he had carried out  his plan of going back in time only a few hours to kill Luna, or else they still wouldn't be here in the guild celebrating, so everyone dismissed the thought of Ketsu annd Eclipse Gates, which was destroyed when the building went down, and instead focused on new and returning guild members. Although, Master Makarov and Natsu were still seceptical.

During the time Natsu and the others were battling in the hidden building, Master Makarov was found in the odd library two floors below the room the gate was in, pale face and wide eyed.

"Would you like some wiskey, Master?" Asked the white  haired bartender. The mage was a bit tired  from feeding the Dragneel kids practically endless bowls of  spicy steak soup since they hadn't eaten  anything since there picknick, but was happy nontheless.

"No thank you Mirajane, instead I'll take two hot chocolates." Mirajane was surprised by this, usually the master would never turn down alcohol, but she served him the drinks  anyways,  plopping a mountin of whipcream, cinnomon, and marshmellows on top. "Here you are."

"Thank you." Makarov said and made his  way to Natsu, who was sitting at a table across from Lucy, enjoying the feeling of home.

Casually, Makarov sat next  to Lucy, giving her a small welcome before looking at Natsu, who averted his eyes. "I think I'll go talk to Levy-chan." She stated quickly and left the table, leaving Natsu baffled at the way his wife had  just left him alone.

Master smiled and handed Natsu the hot chocolate. "You still like Mira's hot choocolates?" He asked.

"I like anything and everything that I can eat." Natsu said rather rudley and taking a sip of the thick chocolaty gooodness. Makarov chuckled. "I thought so."

The two sat in silence, looking around the guild hall staring at the little blonde boy who  was battling Storm, Igneel,  who was  pointing out how much of an 'idiot' Luke was to Gabriel who agreed, Nashi, who was blabbing to Sylvia and Gale about the cool pictures she saw in the picture book of her parents, and lastley,  Luna, who was playing with Reiki's plum colored hair.

"You do realize they aren't safe." The man said quietly, taking anouther sip of his drink. "What do you mean, Master?"

The word peirced Makarov's heart slightly, Natsu had always called him Gramps, sure there was the occasional 'Old Man' or 'Geezer', but never Master.

"I-I mean-," He took a breath. "I mean to say that Ketsu had gotten away, now he may have not gone to a time in the past when he was still battling you, but that doesn't mean he didn't go to the past to redesign his plan." Stated the Master. 

"Intresting." Natsu said sarcastically and Master's lip twitched. "I'm tring to  protect your kids, so if you would just list-"


Everyone in the guild had silenced to stare at the argument unfolding. Makarov stayed quiet for a moment before he started to grow in size, his head reaching the guildhall ceiling. He then picked up the pinkette  who was shouting and screaming protests, and Carla, who shrieked in surprise.

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