{~} Time {~}

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The surrounding air howled as Wendy bent it to her will, fighting off the attacking spies. The group of mages had only passed a couple more halls before they were greeted with not just a group, but a whole fleet of spies, pushing there limits to attack the Fairy Tail wizards.

"Mavis! Did this Katschu guy summon his whole army to fight us off!" Yelled Gajeel as he sent his iron fist slamming on a spy's head. "Ketsu!" Daichi corrected, causing a gasp to escape from a nearby spy's mouth allowing him to have an opening to punch. "And yes, I think he knew this is where we were heading to find Lucy so he must have sent every available follower to come and fight!"

Even if the boy was magicless, he had been trained in self-defense classes ever since he could remember, not to mention he knew most of the soldiers' magic abilities, having studied their magic out of envy, so he was fighting them off at almost the same pace as Wendy.

"Solid Script: Fire!" Yelled Levy and the words 'FIRE' made out of burning flame and embers shot at a spy who was now howeling in pain, rolling on the floor as to put out the burning substance.

"Shrimp!" Gajeel yelled, twisting the arm of a spy. "There are too many, and I'm guessing they aren't even the most of 'em. I need you to get the the car and warn Warren and Master." Said the iron dragon slayer.

Normally, the bluenette would have refused immediately but instead of protesting a paw grabbed her shirt and dragged her away. "No stop!" Lisanna cried, twisting her body but Lucky remained a firm grip.

The solid script mage looked to see the other fish-loving brother was dragging her away, but Blue was the only one with tears in his eyes. "It'll be okay Blue!" Lucky reassured and then looked to Lisanna who was trying to call out to the other mages who were fighting.

"Juvia said to put her down!" Shrieked the blunette but Carla scoffed and flew faster to catch up with her young kittens. "Mom! You're awake!" Cried the blue cat but his mother sent him a glare. "I awoke as soon as I smelled Levy's flame, it alarmed me." She said simply. "I was asked to bring Juvia back to safety."

The blue cat smiled, ignoring the fact that his mother was giving him the cold shoulder, most likely because he and Lucky ran off straight in danger, but he didn't care he was happy that soon this would all be over. "Oh I can't wait to see Nashi again!" He cheered.

Juvia's tears fell from her fast and into the air in front of her because of Carla's high speeds. She watched as he beloved summonded an ice spear before he was out of her sight because of the trn in Carla's direction. The water mage kney Gray did not ask the cat to take he away because she was weak, she knew he just wanted her to be safe, but it still hurt. She was scared.

"I'm so ganna kick Laxus' ass for this! And then I'll get Big Sis Mira-nee to kick his ass to! It'll be a double Strauss kick ass attack! Maybe even triple if I can onvnce Big Brother Elf." Lisanna rambled swatting her legs at every 'kick ass'.

Levy scoffd through er tears, trying to ignore the pain and fear of not knowing what will happen to her husband. "Elfman would be to scraed to fight Laxus, the last time he did he nearly got fried." The girls laughed, even Carla, recalling the time when Elfman was fuming after Mirajane had announced her pregnancy.

Elfman rambled on and on about how it was not manly to get a female pregnate before they were married, and after a long lecture he even landed a punch of the blonde, but that left Laxus aggravated and annoyed. The white haired man then jumped up to land anouther attack but he made the faitel mistake of spreading his legs allowing for Laxus to k.O right were the sun doesn't shine. Let's just say after Elfman had a hard time having kids, which is probably why he only had one.

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