{~} Storm, Sylvia, And Gale {~}

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Luke's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. He always dreamed of seeing other members of Fairy Tail besides his mom and dad. His eyes locked on the last girl. She was the smallest of the three, she wore a pale orange shirt with a jean jacket and pants. She had gorgeous dark brown eyes and short navy blue hair, to Luke she looked so gentle.

"Hello, my name is Storm and this is my sister Sylvia and our friend Gale." The boy said.

He had cobalt blue eyes and raven colored hair wearing a black turtle neck sweater and a white jacket with gray pants. The girl next to him, he guessed was his sister because she looked so much like him, also had cobalt eyes and matching hair. She wore a icy blue over sized sweater and silver leggings with a matching silver beanie. How could these kids wear stuff like that, it was almost summer. 

Luke didn't question this to much, if this Storm guys sister was the blue haired one, than the one he'd been looking at earlier was named Gale. The word sounded perfect in his mind as he leaned on his elbows to get a better look. He saw she held a small pocket sized book in her hands behind her back and was clinging on to it carefully.


Luke was snapped out of his thoughts by the grossed out voice of Reece. He was scooting so far away from Luke that he was nearly falling of his chair. "Your drooling!" Luke rolled his eyes and wiped his mouth on his shirt on his mouth. The boy had his black hair combed back and covered in greece, gel, and oil to keep it in place and his light brown eyes held disgust. He wore a pale blue shirt with dark red suspenders and black shorts, "Your disgusting."

Luke rolled his eyes again. He had been wanting to punch him for a while, but he knew if her got to worked up his fist would light with the stars of the celestials. Reece pulled out some kind of blue disinfecting spray and sprayed a thick layer onto his desk. 

Nashi looked at the three curiously, the boy who's name was Storm talked about what magical guilds did and how magic worked, he even demonstrated his own magic. She had never seen any other type of magic other than her parents. He held out his hand and a blue light glowed in his palm. "Ice Make: Shard!" He said and a long piece of ice appeared. "Sylvia will use Snowfall" the blue haired girl said. Nashi thought it was a bit odd that she talked in third person, but than again she wasn't exactly 'normal' either. The space around her fell with white snow and as it hit the ground it disappeared. The last child, Gale, looked around the classroom and than to Mrs. Sanders. 

"Can I eat your desk?"

Nashi had to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Mrs. Sanders looked flabbergasted, her mouth was partly open and her usually intimidating olive eyes were wide behind her spectacles. 

"I won't eat all of it, just need something to much on." Nashi continued to hold back her laugh untill she had a thought. When Nashi wanted to get her magic power up, she would eat fire, when Luke wanted to raise his magic power he would eat air, wich she found really wierd but Uncle Capricorn had said that celestial spirits also represented the night sky, so he would fuel of night air.

But did this mean that this girl was a dragon slayer too? Mrs. Sanders desk was iron so did that mean-

"Iron Dragon Roar!"

Her thoughts were cut off by the words as a beam of wispy black that had a strong smell of metal fly over her head. Gale was holding Mrs. Sanders name plate except now it said 'Mrs. Sand' becuase there was a gaint bite mark where the 'ers' was. Behind her Luke fell out of his chair from amazement but she payed no mind to her idiotic brother.

A hand slapped down on the iron desk with a clap. Mrs. Sanders eyes were now glaring at Gale, she than turned her sharp look to Nashi. The teacher had never really liked the Dragneels to her they were snooty and they thought of themselves as better than everyone. When Mixie or Haru her prized pupils would pick on her, she wouldn't stop them, instead she would watch. Nashi's  mother had tried her best to deal with the situation but they never listened, they thought of her mother as weak and it upset her because she knew how powerful her mother could be. She sometimes wished that her father was there for her more, whenever he would come back from his trips he would have little time before he had to set out again and Nashi wanted to spend that time with her father, not complaining about her problems.

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