{~} Torturing {~}

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~Somewhere Far Away~

"Shut that damn baby up!" An annoyed voice boomed. 

White spots danced around Luke's vision. When his eyes finally adjusted to the dim lighting, he tried to move his arms to stretch but soon realized they were chained. "What the-"

Memories of a couple of hours ago flashed in his head and he instantly tried to use his magic to bust out of the restraints, but something about them canceled out his power. Sadly, Lucy never taught her children about the magic stopping chains that would often curse her jobs and missions, and so Luke had no idea what to do about the situation. 

"Igneel? Nashi?" He whispered quietly, looking around for his siblings. Thanks to his dragon-like sight, he was able to make out the shape of his still unconscious siblings. 

"I told you to shut her up, Gisei!" At that moment Luke realized his hearing was fuzzy from whatever drug that was shot at him. It was as if his hearing was turning on and off, only hearing bits and pieces of a conversation that was not too far from wherever he is. When Luke's ears stopped ringing he heard the dull cries of his sister. 

"I'm trying! She won't calm down!" A younger voice yelled. "Who the hell do you think you are talking to? You are a magicless spy, don't you ever think you can talk like that to a superior and get away with it." Slams and slaps echoed through the dark place and Luna's cries stop.

"Hey!" Luke yelled, worried that his sister got caught up in the commotion. Mumbles were exchanged before an orange-haired teenager came from around the corner with the pink-haired baby in his hands. "Luna!" The blonde shouted and struggled to get out of his restraints. 

"What did you do to my sister?" Luke asked with venom in his voice when he noticed the baby was knocked out with a bit of blood dripping down her forehead. "She wouldn't stop crying, so Tanaka grabbed her and-"

"SO YOU PUT YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER? SHE'S A BABY, YOU COULD HAVE SERIOUSLY INJURED HER!" His yells amplified in the room, but thanks to the tranquilizers, his siblings were still asleep. The spy winced slightly at all the yelling and to Luke's surprised muttered a 'sorry'.

Daichi fumbled with some bronze keys before he opened the cell door and placed the unconscious baby next to the other knocked out children. He then detached the celestial dragon slayer's chains from the walls and pulled him to his feet, forcing his out of the cell. 

The dark gloomy place was mostly made out of stone brick, every turn and twist left the boys head spinning, everything looked the same. Suddenly they were brought to a dark wood door which Daichi knocked shyly on. "Lady Kanashi? I brought one of the Dragneel children on the orders of Tanaka." 

When the door opened a feeling of sadness washed over Luke and he didn't know why. The black-haired woman named Kanashi had an equally sad face and moved aside for the orange-haired spy to lead him in and chain him up to a blank wall. 

Luke took in his surroundings. A dark green sofa was in front of him, weapons and blades of all sorts were hanging on the walls. The blonde than noticed a brunette woman giggling as whispered into a green-haired man's ear. "Alright Maya, things might get a little scary so why don't you wait outside for a bit?" Enenra said to her and pushed her off the couch. "My name is Mika." She huffed but he just waved her off. 

Once the girl left he gave Luke an annoyed look and pointed in the direction she went. "She thinks I can't tell she's a spy for the council, I have an eye for those things, you know." The poisonous man let out a small chuckle and then slapped his knee before standing up. 

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