EP 1 ! "Piece of My Tape"

Start from the beginning

The musical trio before him shared a look. "Do we know you?" Teddy asked.

"No, but you're about to! See, I'm in a group of my own and I have our demo tape right here," K-Ci held up the disk. "Why don't y'all have a listen?" He threw it toward the group and Aaron caught it.

"What the hell is a Jodakai?" Damien asked.

K-Ci scrunched his face up. "What, you can't read? Ain't no damn Jodakai, that says Jodeci. Jo-De-Ci, get it right!" He snapped as Damien was taken aback.

"Look," Aaron began," You and your group are probably good, not as good as us, but we ain't listenin' to this." He threw the CD on the table next to them, where another CD remained. "Good luck though!"

"It's like that? Aight, bet. I'll just take this and leave!" K-Ci picked up one of the tapes without checking to see if it was the right one and walked toward the door, expecting any of the members to put his actions at halt.

"Bye!" Aaron carelessly waved as K-Ci angrily walked out of the dressing room, slamming the door after him.

"I don't know how that didn't work. That was a great plan if you ask me!" Dalvin flopped back on the couch once they made it to the DeGrates house.

K-Ci rolled his eyes. "Take this stupid ass tape!" He tossed the CD to DeVante and luckily, he caught it. Looking down at it, he took notice of a change. "K, this ain't our tape."

JoJo took the tape from DeVante and looked at the piece of paper that was stuck to the front. "Apparently this is a song Guy recorded for a movie soundtrack."

The four shared looks amongst each other before Dalvin snatched the tape from JoJo and put it into the CD player.

"You find it yet?" Teddy asked Aaron. "Hell no I ain't find it!"

"It couldn't have sprouted legs and walked away," Damien stressed before searching the trash can. The three of them were trying to find a CD that had a song they recorded on it. And of course, we all know where it is.

Elsewhere, the quartet had listened to the CD over five times. "Let's listen to it one more time!" Dalvin rooted.

"Hell nah," JoJo went over and took the CD out. "It's good but if I hear it one more time I'm gon' have a headache."

K-Ci snatched it out his brother's hand. "Well I guess you gon' have to have a headache cause—" he stopped mid-sentence once he realized the CD had a scratch on it. "You scratched it all up!"

"Let me see!" Dalvin took the CD from K-Ci and tried to examine it, but dropping it in the process. It fell to the floor, breaking in pieces.

K-Ci, JoJo, and DeVante stared at Dalvin with looks that can kill. "Wait a minute! Before y'all try and kill me, I can fix this!"

"This ain't gon' work," JoJo looked at the CD that was now wrapped in duct tape. "It could!" Dalvin shrugged.

"It's not!" K-Ci pushed him. "What now?"

DeVante snapped. "I got an idea."

The members of Guy were about to do another concert in a few minutes and they were still getting ready when K-Ci barged into their dressing room once again.

"Wassup? Remember me?"

Aaron sighed. "Why are you back?" He mumbled.

"How did you know where to find us....?" Teddy wondered.

"Don't worry 'bout that," K-Ci dismissed. "This time I'm back with—" he turned around to see that he was by himself. "Hold on." He dragged JoJo, Dalvin, and DeVante in the room a couple seconds later.

"But yeah, I'm back and I brought my group with me." K-Ci said before JoJo stepped in front of him. "Get to the damn point! We know y'all might have been looking for this so here it is," he passed the CD to Damien.

"We definitely were looking for this! Y'all didn't do anything to it, right?"

The four slowly shook their heads no with awkward and suspicious smiles on their faces.

Guy's manager, Sheila, knocked on the door before swinging it open. "Showtime! What are y'all still doing in here?"

"These thieves were returning our CD that they stole from us!" Aaron yelled.

"You talkin' about that CD that had one of y'all songs on it?" Sheila asked. "Don't worry about that, I have three more copies of it. Now hit the stage!" She left out the room.

"You could keep this as a keepsake then," Damien passed DeVante the CD before walking out of the dressing room as Aaron followed.

"Here's your original tape," Teddy passed Dalvin their original tape before leaving the room.

"So you mean to tell me that we wasted our time re-recording their song and putting it on a tape just to—" JoJo let out a stressed laugh. "Okay."

"Just for that, Dalvin, steal Aaron's jacket!" K-Ci commanded. Dalvin snatched Aaron's bright blue bomber jacket before the four of them bolted out of the dressing room without looking back.

I feel backwards as fuck for finally publishing this after all the chapters I got done already 💀💀.

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