10. The Clueless Husband

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Am I married or not?

My mind was asking me that question for the umpteenth time and still I was not sure how to silence it. Since I could not discuss this problem with anyone, I tried to get some answers on that puzzle online. I went through few blogs, random articles related to Christian marriage to find out something related to my confused marital status. After reading them, I couldn't find the definite answer for it, but I got online confirmation as well about Samara's and Ashar's marriage.

Those blogs said the same thing that the man and woman must be present at the wedding while proclaiming marriage vows in order to become truly married religiously. So Samara was not married to him. Whereas about my problem, those articles summarized that if man and woman standing in front of God, witnesses, repeat the vows behind the minister, they are married. God is the witness of their marriage.

This really tormented me. It was a religious view. So according to Christian religion maybe I was married to him. Those online articles weren't helpful at all and they only increased my anxiety.

"Am I looking good? Please be honest." Carol's voice snapped me out of my bothersome thoughts.

I was standing outside Noah's house with Carol. It had been three days since I'd resigned from the mansion and gratefully no one had contacted me from the family. I was little bit relaxed.

I moved my eyes from head to toe, studying her appearance, "Yes, you're looking perfect."

In a lemon colored cocktail dress with a neck-length, copper hair and light makeup she was looking pretty and pleasing to eyes. Her dark eyes were gleaming in excitement. I didn't know about Noah, but some of the guys in the party would certainly steal glimpses of her.

She flattened her lips, "Thanks Sanaya for helping me today. I'm nervous."

I touched her shoulder, "Don't worry. Just do what your heart says."

Because of my sour mood due to the current on-going stresses, I didn't make much effort to look good. I squeezed myself into skinny ankle pants with a bright silk-crepe top. I left my long hair loose on my back and coated my lips with a light lip color.

"But listen, if I see you get busy with Noah and leaving me alone, I would leave, okay?"

She grinned, "You won't be alone. Noah's family has connection with Hobsons. Maybe, they are going to be there in the party."

She winked. My heart began hammering against my ribcage, loud and clear. That family's name was enough to terrify me to death.

"You didn't tell me why you stopped working for Hobsons." She continued.

No, no. I couldn't afford to see any of the Hobsons. I was running away from them.

"Anyways, the party is grand. Many rich families are there." She grabbed my hand and began dragging me towards Noah's house.

"Wait, Carol-" The sound of loud music made my voice barely audible to her. She could no more listen to my protest.


After the cake-cutting ceremony, the guests were served dinner. I was sitting alone on one of the tables that were arranged in the lounge. Carol was not very distant from me. She was keeping her promise. She was with Noah on the dance floor. Their arms were wrapped around each other while their bodies were swaying with slow music. The way they were intertwined with one another explaining that Carol had already made her confession to him, but it was just my assumption. I couldn't be sure.

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