Stucky x Reader - vampire part 2

Start from the beginning

"Everyone stand in a group." You said as they all obeyed, you formed a magic shield around them and stood at the front of the group with the little girl holding your hand.

"What's your name?" You asked quietly.

"Wanda." She said shyly as you nodded.

"I'm Y/N, I promise we will get out of here." You said as she nodded in reply, she tugged on your arm as you looked down at her.

"I don't know where my brother is." She said as she saw tears in her eyes.

"Is he in this dungeon?" You asked as she shook her head.

"The two kings took him. Becky and Steve." She muttered as you hid a laugh at the names she called them.

"I'm heading there after, we will get him ok?" You said as she smiled and nodded. She held tightly on your hand as you began walking out of the dungeons.

"Everyone stay close and alert me of danger." You shouted as they nodded shakily.

"Stop!" You heard Stark shout as you rolled your eyes and summoned chains around him and his mouth.

"Let's go." You said as you all walked quickly out of the dungeons, guards were alerted as they all shouted and ran at you. Your eyes glowed brighter as you used your power to shove them into a wall. You fought off every guard and vampire you came in contact with. Wanda was amazing with magic and helped you a lot. You got to the entrance of the castle and crashed the giant doors down.

"Stop!" You heard a voice say as you looked behind and saw the other King Stephen.

"We are leaving, I don't care if you end up dead or not." You growled as he looked at you. He was about to summon something when a blast knocked him out, you looked down and saw Wanda was the one who saved you.

"Good aim." You laughed as she high-fived you.

"Ok let's go everyone." You said as you ran as far from Stark's castle as you could, you ended up in a graveyard, of course.

"Once a human comes here they can't leave." One of the people said as the rest nodded nervously.

"It's ok, I have a way. When you get to Earth they will be someone waiting there for you, his name is Loki he will help you find your homes." You said as everyone nodded, you quickly sent Loki a message and told him to be near the portal. You ripped a hole in the realm and opened a portal.

"Go!" You shouted through gritted teeth as they all thanked you and ran through. The last person ran through and you closed the portal and got your breath back.

"Are you ok?" Wanda asked quietly as you smiled and nodded. You held her hand again and began walking towards the other castle.

"Y/N!" You heard a voice shout behind you, you saw Bucky and Steve with a small army behind them. They came running up to you but you stopped them.

"No!" You shouted as you shielded yourself from them.

"Is it true? Did you give me to Stark!?" You shouted angrily as they looked at each other.

"Doll, n-no that's not true." Bucky said as he looked at you with pain in his eyes and voice.

"We would never do that darling." Steve said as he came closer. You let tears fall as you ran up and jumped onto both of them. They both wrapped their arms around you eagerly and held you tight.

"Are you hurt? What did he do to you?" Steve said as he check every inch of your face for wounds.

"I'm ok, he just used me. I broke all of the humans out of the dungeon and sent them back." You explained as they looked at you in amazement. You turned around to Wanda and she was standing behind a dead tree.

"Wanda it's ok, they aren't going to hurt you." You said softly as she poked her head out. You crouched down and she came over to you and hugged you.

"It's ok, we are safe now." You whispered as she hugged you tightly.

"M-My brother." She whispered as you nodded and picked her up with you.

"Wanda has a brother and she said he is in your castle." You said as Bucky and Steve looked at you weirdly.

"He's fast." Wanda mumbled before she hid her face in your hair.

"Is he in the dungeons?" You asked as Bucky and Steve nodded in shame.

"Stark convinced us he was a monster." Bucky said as you shook your head.

"That's the past. But we need to go get him now." You said as they nodded.


You all arrived back at the castle, you, Bucky, Steve and Wanda all ran down to the dungeons and you saw a little boy with white hair sitting in a small cell, he looked a little older than Wanda.

"Pietro!" Wanda shouted as she ran up to the bars. You broke the door and Pietro came running out to hug his sister. After that, he ran at Bucky and Steve but you stopped him.

"Hey it's ok, it wasn't their fault. It was Stark, you're safe now ok?" You said as he nodded slowly. Wanda clung to her brother as he hugged her back.

"Do you have any parents?" You asked as they shook their heads.

"Can they stay here for a while?" You whispered to Bucky and Steve, they both nodded and you kissed their cheeks.

"You can stay here if you would like. I know it's scary but I'll be here as well." You said as they nodded again.

"Thank you, miss." Pietro said as you smiled at him. You walked out of the dungeon with Wanda's hand in yours and made your way to a spare room. You ran into Nat on your way and she smiled at the children.

"You two take Y/N to get some rest. Pepper and I can take care of them." Nat said as you thanked her and walked to Bucky and Steve's room. As soon as you entered they both wrapped their arms around you tightly.

"We're sorry we couldn't protect you." Steve whispered as you chuckled.

"I handled myself pretty well." You said as you smirked up at them.

"Yeah you did, you were amazing." Bucky said as he kissed your forehead. Steve was checking you over and he saw what Tony had done to you.

"I swear I will kill that man." Steve growled as you chuckled.

"Later. But now I just need sleep. He messed with my mind and took a lot of blood." You said as they nodded and let you fall into the comfy bed. They both lay next to you and wrapped their arms around you tightly. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you hugged them tighter.

"I was so scared." You whispered as you let more tears fall.

"You're safe now doll, we have you. We won't let him get to you again." Bucky whispered as he kissed the back of your neck. Steve brought his hand up to your cheek and wiped away your tears, he kissed your forehead and kept his face close to yours.

"You did amazing out there darling. I am so proud of you, but we will never let you be taken from us again. I promise." Steve whispered as you nodded and buried your face in his neck.

"Get some sleep doll," Bucky whispered before you fell into a peaceful sleep, feeling safe and warm. 

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