"Y/N!" He shouted as he looked for you. You meowed loudly and he looked at you, he ran up to the glass.

"You're ok!" He shouted as you put your paw on the glass.

"Why do you have me imprisoned!?" He shouted to Steve and Wanda as Tony walked in.

"You don't remember any of us Loki?" Steve asked curiously.

"How do you know my name?" He asked as he looked at them confused.

"You attacked this city. All though you looked much older." Tony said rubbing his face.

"Let me out of this prison, I am no criminal." He said as you meowed as well.

"We will call Thor, but until then you gotta stay in here." Tony said as you hissed at Tony.

"Shut up or I'll throw you in there too." Tony said as Wanda hid you from him.

"Shh, he's just angry." Wanda said as she patted you. You whined as you jumped off Wanda and went up to Loki at the glass scratching at it.

"Let me just change her/him back and then I will stay in this prison of yours." Loki said to them.

"Change her/him back?" Steve asked confused.

"Y/N isn't a cat. It's a long story." Loki sighed. Steve nodded and turned off the power dampeners. You ran into Loki and his hands glowed green as green flooded around you. You finally felt your own body again, you reached out for Loki but you still couldn't walk your legs were still damaged. He leapt for you and hugged you as tight as he could.

"Ok, that's enough love birds. Y/N you haven't done anything wrong, yet. So you can come out." Tony said as you pulled away from Loki.

"Loki I don't want to leave you, b-but I don't want to be in a prison again." You pleaded. He placed his hand on your cheek.

"It's ok, I'm not going anywhere." He said as he nodded.

"I can't walk." You said as you looked at the others. Steve walked up to you and you hid behind Loki.

"N-No! W-Wanda only, p-please." You begged as Steve backed away and Wanda came in. She picked you up and brought you out as the power dampeners went back on.

"She's/He's very injured bring them up to the med bay." Steve said as Wanda nodded, you looked behind and glanced at Loki he smiled at you comfortingly before you left. Wanda placed you onto a bed as you ran your fingers over the soft fabric, you began crying you couldn't even remember the last time you felt a bed.

"Are you ok?" Steve asked as he looked at you.

"I can't remember the last time I felt a bed." You said through tears.

"I need you to take off your shirt." Tony said looking at you, your face paled as you stared at him.

"N-No please." You begged as you backed away.

"Men turn around." Wanda said as they turned away from you. You took your shirt off and Wanda helped cover your chest. (if you have boobs obvi) Tony and Steve turned around, they gasped as they saw the damaged and scars. Steve went to look at your back and gasped.

"Tony." Steve whispered as Tony looked at your back. Tony ran his hand across your back and you yelped in pain.

"Whips..." He muttered covering his mouth.

"Were you tortured?" Steve asked in a hushed voice.

"I deserved it." You whispered back as you hugged the sheets close to you.

"I don't think anyone deserves this Y/N..." Steve said sadly.

"I'll get Banner to come up and he can properly bandage it and take care of your wounds." Tony said as he exited.

"Who are you?" You whispered to Steve who looked confused.

"Steve?" He said as he looked at you.

"Have we met?" You asked looking at him.

"Y/N are you feeling alright?" Wanda asked as she came up to you.

"Where am I? Is this Asgard?" You said, your words becoming more rushed.

"It's ok, you're safe. You're on Earth." Wanda explained.

"How did I get here?" You asked as Wanda and Steve shared a confused glance.

"You came here with Loki." Steve explained as your face creased in concentration.

"Loki, where is he!?" You shouted becoming frantic.

"Hey calm down it's ok. He's safe." Steve said as he held you down.

"Y/N what's wrong?" He said as you struggled against his grip.

"How do you know my name!? Let go of me! I won't let you torture me anymore!" You shouted as Tony and Bruce walked into the room.

"What's going on?" Tony asked as he and Bruce rushed in to help.

"Y/N it's ok, just breath we aren't going to hurt you." Wanda whispered as you calmed down and slowly nodded.

"Y/N this is Bruce he is here to help." Wanda explained as Bruce awkwardly waved.

"I'll need to talk to Y/N alone if that's ok." Bruce said as everyone nodded and left. They watched as Bruce carefully talked to you.

"I can't imagine what she's/he's been through." Steve muttered as he looked at your scared face. After a few minutes later Bruce came out of the room and faced everyone.

"Y/N has many physical injuries, but she/he has a lot of mental injuries." Bruce said.

"So she/he has brain damage?" Steve asked curiously.

"Essentially yes. Not from injury though, she/he spent so long being tortured Y/N lost her/his memories, and essentially her/his mind." Bruce said sadly.

"Are there treatments for this kind of thing?" Tony asked, Bruce, looked down at the floor before he spoke.

"No. In human years she/he spent roughly 500 years in that prison." Bruce said as everyone shook their heads.

"What's that in Asgardian years then?" Wanda asked.

"Thousands of years." He muttered as he made his way back into the room.

(Ok I might eventually do more of this. But I'm starting a real book, and all of my energy will go into that! So I hope y'all aint too mad)

Marvel Oneshots - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now