You Interrupt Them Everytime They Try to Say 'I Love You'

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Request: Hey! How are you? If you want do it I want a got7 reaction when you tell them "I love you" first and them start tease you and not said the words so when them tries to do, you evadue them talking about others things and not let them tell you the words for make them upset like a revenge. Something like he trying say "I love you" and you ask at the same time other thing or let the room. IDK. I hope you can do it. Thanks. XOXO!✌😊😙

1. Mark
Mark is a fluffy and sad puppy. He usually has to work himself up to saying something like "I love you" so he probably did it to avoid feeling awkward that he didn't say it back. You might have to tell him pretty early on that you're just doing it to mess with him as he thinks you're mad at him for admitting his feelings.

2. Jb
Jb is just about ready to play dirty. He can be very hard headed and this would be no exception. He is out to make you beg at this point. He starts avoiding that word like a plague, ready for war.

3. Jackson
Jackson doesn't necessarily notice that it's not a accident. It takes him a couple of instances to realize that you're doing it on purpose. At this point, he comes pouty and starts trying to give you the silent treatment. The problem is, he keeps complaining about it... very loudly.

4. Jinyoung
Get ready for the savage one. He will literally never say those words again, ever. Or, at least, that's his goal. He'll go soft if you apologize to him though. He's a cheeky shit so I'm not sure any of us were surprised by this.

5. Youngjae
Honestly, the time it happened with Youngjae was probably an accident. The sweet child would never do something like that to you (His bandmates are another story). Youngjae is the type to be very committed to relationships so he probably wouldn't say anything about it but it's obvious that he's uncomfortable.

6. BamBam
BamBam turns it into a game. He wants to see who can last the longest. He's a little like a dog with a bone, he just doesn't know when to let go. You'll beat it out of him eventually, I'm sure.

7. Yugyeom
Like mother, like daughter. It's going to get to a point where no ones allowed to say it anymore or he starts screeching. In all seriousness, he will apologize and say it like he means it.

A/N: I wrote up a few more requests at work today so I'm going to try to get them up today while J is taking her nap since she didn't sleep last night cause she drank and she has a hard time sleeping when she drinks.

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