Got7 Reacts to You Getting Hit on By Another Idol

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Request: HELLO! Can you pretty please do a GOT7 reaction to another famous idol flirting with their s/o despite their s/o making it clear they aren't interested. Thanks a million!

     A/N: Because we are dealing with another idol in this situation, I believe that they would all go about this in a relatively respectful manner because these are people that they have to continue to work with in the future so any irritation would be subtle and the reactions would vary depending on if the idol is older then them or younger then them. Ultimately, they would be more respectful of older idols and more informal with younger idols, but never rude. This is, of course, my personal opinion, but it's something I considered when going into this reaction. There will be separate reactions for if the idol is younger or older then them. I don't think that any of them are happy with this situation, but they will still be respectful.

1. Mark

     Older: Mark would be very respectful if it were an older idol. He would calmly walk up and wrap his arm around your shoulders. He strikes me as the trusting type as opposed to the jealous type.
     "I'm sorry, Sunbae-nim," Mark presses a kiss to the top of your head," Have I not introduced you to my girlfriend yet?"  

     Younger: Mark generally strikes as the type to allow for the benefit of the doubt so he would not be confrontational or angry. He would be more casual and informal with someone younger then him. He may not have necessarily heard the whole conversation so he wouldn't get angry because it's possible that it's not their fault. Especially if it's someone from a group that's close to Got7.
     "Hey, what's up man?" Mark greets the other person as he takes your hand," It's been a while. How've you been?"   

2. Jaebum

     Older: Jaebum would be courteous and subtle when dealing with someone older then him. He would probably walk up behind you and back hug you.
     "Hey baby," Jaebum greets you first before looking at the other person," Hello, Sunbae-nim."  

     Younger: Jaebum would be a lot less formal but won't be rude since it's someone he'll have to work with in the future.
     "What's up?" Jaebum casually throws his arm around you," I see you've met my girlfriend."  

3. Jackson

     Older: Jackson is an extra human who has no chill, we all know this. He would run up and hug you dramatically bouncing up and down.
     "Jagi, Jagi, Jagi!" Extra Jackson is a tiny bit embarrassing," Oh, hey, Sunbae-nim."  

     Younger: Jackson wouldn't be rude but he's definitely not subtle. He would run up in between the two of you.
     "Sorry, I need to borrow her for a while," Jackson looks at you pleadingly," Jagi, will you please come dance with me?"  

4. Jinyoung

     Older: Jinyoung is generally a very respectful guy and isn't the jealous type. He would walk up to the two of you and bow to the idol before taking your hand.
     "Hello, Sunbae-nim," Jinyoung smiles politely," How have you been?"  

     Younger: Jinyoung is a little on the snappy side with his group but the same cannot be said for the members of other groups. He's much more courteous and respectful.
     "Jagiya, I'm so glad you could make it," Jinyoung wraps his arm around your waist," Thank you for looking after her until I got here."  

5. Youngjae

     Older: Youngjae is usually not a confrontational person. He would be very respectful and probably wouldn't even acknowledge the behavior.
     "It's very nice to see you again, Sunbae-nim," Youngjae bows," I'm glad to see that you health is well."  

     Younger: Youngjae is still very respectful and he won't truly acknowledge the behavior. He would shyly take your hand and offer a small smile.
     "How are you?" Youngjae smiles at the other person," Are you enjoying the event?"  

6. BamBam

     Older: BamBam is gonna somehow be respectful and dramatic at the same time. Basically, he'll dramatically sweep in and spin you around in some ridiculous dance move before he says anything.
     "Hello, everyone. Sorry for the dramatic entrance," BamBam is giggling a little," I couldn't resist when my Jagi looks so good."  

     Younger: BamBam is still gonna be dramatic but it's toned up by like eighty percent. He would swoop in and dramatically bow you to press his lips to yours, just having to show off. He doesn't even acknowledge what he did.
     "How is everyone?" BamBam sounds almost like one of those really dramatic hosts of a party," Are we having fun?"  

7. Yugyeom

     Older: Yugyeom would be very kind and wouldn't want to be rude. He would want to just pull you away from the situation more then anything else.
     "Hey, Jagi. The guys are over there if you want run up and talk to them," Yugyeom presses a kiss to the side of your head," Sorry, Sunbae-nim."  

     Younger: Yugyeom would be a little more rough with someone younger but not rude. He would walk up and take your hand, pulling you closer to your side.
     "Hi, Jagiya," Yugyeom nuzzles your cheek," Is everything okay?"  

Notes: I'm slowly updating this while watching a play through of Danganronpa V3. I'll just continue that, I guess.

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