Got7 Reacts to All of the Members Liking You

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Request: I have a request where all Got7 members likes you. 

1. Mark

Mark would make his feelings very obvious and if you turn him down, he'll just leave it alone. He would never try to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable. 

2. Jb

Jaebum would have to try to resist the urge to be the first one to confess to you, but he would hang back and see if he can gauge how you feel.

3. Jackson

Jackson tends to avoid the girls that he likes so he would probably spend most of his time avoiding you.

4. Jinyoung

Jinyoung would have no problem admitting how he feels for you because he would want a straight and honest answer as he is not always the most patient person. He doesn't want to drive himself crazy thinking about the things he could have done. 

5. Youngjae

Youngjae wouldn't even be able to admit his feelings to himself. He wouldn't want to mess up his relationship with you or with his bandmates so he would just hang back, never drawing attention to the feelings he might have. 

6. BamBam

BamBam can be a little on the selfish side so he would want you to choose him and would do his best to make himself an appealing option. He won't be overbearing though as he doesn't want to take away your choice.

7. Yugyeom

Yugyeom is someone else who would probably hang back. He doesn't want to step on anyone else's chance so he would only admit his feelings if you admitted your feelings to him. He would become a confident, even if you don't have feelings for him.

A/N: I keep realizing how many requests I have. There are so many Got7 requests and I didn't realize at first but now I just keep posting Got7 stuff. 

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