Got7 Reaction: How They Have Sex *SMUT*

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Request: Hi.. could you please do a got7 reaction to what kind of sex they would have.. thanks.

1. Mark

     Mark is all about passion. He's the type of guy who has no preference for what role he plays, dominant or submissive, and will probably just change it up depending on both of your moods. He's the type to have a preference for eating your out as opposed to receiving hand jobs or blow jobs. He also has no preferential position. With a male partner, he's not preferential to being top or bottom.

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum is probably the most dominant personality out of all of the guys. It would have to be a really special occasion to get him to play submissive and he has a hard time maintaining the facade. He doesn't have a preference for eating you out, hand jobs, or blow jobs. These will change from night to night, depending on how you feel because he tries to stay very aware of your mood. His preferential position varies between any position where he can slam into you, if you are up to it on that particular evening, or having you ride him. With a male partner, he would most likely prefer being top.

3. Jackson

     Jackson is all about speed. He's the type to completely wear you out. He'd probably be a 60-40 split when it comes to dominance with the 60% being him being dominant. He would definitely prefer to eat you out over receiving a hand job or blow job. His preferred position would probably be a toss up because he just likes to be in you. With a male partner, he would like being top but will also want to be fair to you so he would switch off.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung is a very attentive partner, focusing on making you feel like the focus of attention. Based on his over all personality, he, like Jaebum, would most likely be a more dominant personality. While he does have a preference for pampering you, he also secretly enjoys being on the receiving end. You can never get him to admit it though, with his stubborn personality. Honestly, his focus is more on sensuality then on speed so he doesn't really have a preferential position. With a male partner, Jinyoung strikes as someone who would have a preference for being bottom although this is just one opinion.

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae would be the most nervous love maker, at least starting off. He's always worried about doing something incorrectly. He is probably the most submissive personality within the group with everyone else being mainly dominant except maybe Yugyeom, who will be explained later. He has no preference for eating you out, hand jobs, or blow jobs. With any situation, he would be very nervous. He would not have a preferential position himself, preferring to establish one that both of you like. With a male partner, Youngjae is a bottom.

6. BamBam

     BamBam is talkative, cocky little shit. He is convinced that he's a dominant, but he has no problem being a submissive when you want him to be. He prefers receiving blow jobs over anything else but he is also the main group member who would be into the 69 position because he likes making you go weak at the knees. His preferential position would be any position where he can go as deep into you as possible. With a male partner, he really prefers to be top but he'll bottom if you really want him to.

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom is probably the most complicated member when it comes to this sort of thing. This is not because of his age, and more to do with his over all personality. Starting off, he is a 75-25 split. That 75 is actually him being submissive, surprisingly. Despite the appearance of his usually crazy personality, he would like the idea of being submissive. Part of this is because he's not the most experienced so it helps him better understand what you enjoy. He prefers eating you out over receiving blow jobs or hand jobs. His preferential positions are usually with you on top. With a male partner, he prefers being bottom.

A/N: I'm so sleepy but I really shouldn't be. I should also probably eat eventually but I'll do that later....

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