Got7 Reacts to Rubbing and Talking to Your Pregnant Belly

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Request: GOT7 gently rubbing and talking to your pregnant belly please. Hehe thank you 💙

1. Mark

     Mark's touch will be gentle and his voice will be low. Sometimes, his voice is so low that even you can't hear it.

     "Hi, little baby," Mark says softly, rubbing gentle circles on your stomach," How are you doing in there?"

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum would be super shy about it. Basically, if anyone else is around, no matter how much he wants to, he won't do it. When he does, he can't help but coo and beam. His touch is almost hesitant, not that he'll ever admit it.

     "Hi there," Jaebum can't hide his big smile," Daddy can't wait to meet you."

3. Jackson

     Jackson will do it whenever he sees fit. His hands will be confident as he searches for exactly where the baby is, but not harsh by any means. His voice isn't loud but it's certainly not soft.

     "Please come soon, little baby," Jackson pleads," Daddy wants to play with you."

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung almost glows whenever he gets to feel your stomach. He's always gentle and he always presses soft kisses to your stomach.

     "Daddy loves you," Jinyoung smiles," I mean, Mommy loves you too, but mostly Daddy."

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae gets nervous whenever he feels your stomach. He doesn't know what counts as pressing too hard or being too harsh. He doesn't want to do anything to hurt the baby.

     "Hello, dear one," Youngjae's fingers ghost across your stomach," Do you want Daddy to sing to you?"

6. BamBam

     BamBam will take any opportunity to interact with the baby. His touch is soft but searching as he tries to find his baby. He likes to talk to the baby before he goes to sleep.

     "Hi, little baby," BamBam grins, resting his ear on your stomach," I hope you're growing well."

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom can be a little unsure. He doesn't know what to say and his touch is a little hesitant. That being said, he absolutely adores being able to feel his baby.

     "Is that you right there little one?" Yugyeom feels your stomach gently," Daddy loves you very much. Did you know that?"

Notes: I'm enjoying this youtube series way too much and I'm sad that it's not finished yet.

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