Got7 Reacts to Your Emotional Support Cat Dying

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Request: hello~ can i request a got7 reaction where theyre comforting you after your emotional support cat died (mine left the earth like 3 years ago but it still hurts 😓)

1. Mark

Mark would be doing his best to comfort you. He doesn't always talk a lot (He sort of bounces between talking a lot and not talking at all) but he would use a lot of physical contact to comfort you. He would cuddle you and maybe turn on a movie and just hold you for a while. If you cry, he won't say anything, he'll just hold you and stroke your hair, giving all of his comfort through physical contact. For him, crying out is sometimes the best solution. 

2. Jb

Jaebum is a little bit of a softy (I mean, they all are) so he probably feels as bad as you do. He would think about getting you a new kitten but he's convinced that it's much too early for that. Instead, all he can do is offer is comfort. Or at least, attempt to. He tends to be a little bit awkward because he has no idea what to say. He'll try his best to help you though and be there when you need him to be. 

3. Jackson

Jackson is literally one of the biggest softies. He is definitely crying with you when you're in the crying phase. He's another physical contact based person and he would do everything in his power to make you feel better. He is the type that would definitely probably try to get you a new cat, if you wanted one. He would take you to a shelter and let you pick one that really spoke to you, regardless of how many shelters you have to go to. 

4. Jinyoung

Jinyoung is not an overly emotional person so he is the one that is most likely to be your rock. He keeps from being to affected so that he can comfort you to the best of his abilities. He would be someone who would ask you what you wanted him to do in order to help you. He doesn't want to overstep or do too much to where you feel overwhelmed. 

5. Youngjae

Youngjae is a sweetheart with a soft spot for animals. He would be another one who would cry too. He would pull you close and talk to you softly, trying to take your mind off of it. His tactic would be distraction. He would do your best to keep your mind off it while he thinks of a way to ease your burden. 

6. BamBam

BamBam is an avid cat lover, evidenced by his two cats. Most likely, he would just have the two of you cuddled up with his cats. He's another person who would go for distraction, and knowing that you have a fondness for cats, this was the best plan he could think of. He just hopes that it won't make you cry again because it breaks his heart.

7. Yugyeom

Yugyeom is a softie as well, although he tries not to be. He would just show up at your house with a kitten honestly. He would have hand picked it, making sure that they had a temperament that would be easier for you manage as your emotional support cat. He would just show up at your door all wind blown to hand deliver you the beautiful little kitten. 

A/N: I am super sleepy and I forgot to post this on here so I hope that you guys like it!

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