Got7 Reacts to You Shoving Your Hands Down Their Pants to Get Their Attention

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Request: Can you do a Got7 reaction to you shoving your hands down their pants just to get their attention? Please and thankyou:)

1. Mark

     Mark's reaction will vary. If you are at home, it doesn't affect him at all. He would probably just turn to you to see what you wanted. On the other hand, if you do it around the members, his face would become bright red. Eventually, he would probably learn not to react, but the first few times would be pretty brutal.

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum would be totally okay with it as long as it was just the two of you. If anyone else was around, he would be quick to move your hands. He would probably get annoyed with you if you did it around anyone else and he would reprimand you. It makes him really uncomfortable because he doesn't want anyone else to think about your relationship like that. 

3. Jackson

     Jackson is shook up every time you do it. It doesn't matter whether it's just the two of or you're around other people, he will have some sort of a loud reaction. He would push your hands away and shout at you, asking what the heck you were doing. After a while, his reactions would become less... loud, but the first few times were pretty embarrassing.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung is likely to get annoyed fast. If it's just the two of you, he'll deal with it the first few times but it would get old for a while and he would ask you to find some other way to get his attention. On the other hand, he's fast to remove your hands and give you a strong glare. He is having none of your shit.

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae would become bright red no matter what. He's a shy bean and a smol sunshine child so there is no way that he'll ever be okay with it. He would plead with you to stop doing that since it makes him very uncomfortable. 

6. BamBam

     BamBam is a cocky little shit. Due to this, he probably wouldn't care about this habit of yours. When you first started doing that, he would want to blush but he would get over it quick. He's too cocky for his own good and he refuses to show that it affects him in any way. 

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom would try not to be, but he would end up becoming really shy and blushy whenever you put your hands down his pants. He would try to squash his reactions but he would fail every single time. He might be a rude small child, but he is still a small child. 

A/N: There's only a few things left, I think. Including my first ever BamBam Scenario!

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