Jackson Scenario: His Boyfriend is Receiving Hate and Death Threats

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Request: Can I request a Jackson fic? Where he has a boyfriend and his bf is getting so much hate and death threats for dating Jackson. So Jackson goes on SNS to shut them up and say that his bf is here to stay, and to just accept it.

     Three years. That's how long you and Jackson had been dating before your relationship was leaked. It's been two weeks since that happened. Your social media had been flooded with a variety of reactions.

     Some people had positive reactions, glad that Jackson was happy. Unfortunately, those voices were drowned out by the much more negative reactions. At this point, you were considering just deactivating your accounts. The hate and death threats were a little too much.

     The problem is, deactivating your accounts felt like you were letting them win. Instead, you just tried to delete the death threats before Jackson saw them. Jackson is blaming himself for what happened. You don't want him to feel any worse or worry about you.

     It really hurt though, not being able to talk to Jackson, your own boyfriend, about what was happening. You were hoping there would be more positive reactions by this point but that wasn't the case. You tried to put on a smile and not show that you were bothered by it around Jackson. Like now.

     "You never talk about it," Jackson says suddenly, turning away from the movie on tv. He had gotten back from rehearsal less then an hour ago. The two of you had decided to have a quiet evening in instead of joining the guys for game night.

     "Talk about what?" You raise your eyebrows to show your confusion.

     "The backlash against the two of us dating," Jackson's voice is soft as he ducks his head, not meeting your eyes.

     "You have a lot of stuff you're worrying about right now. I don't want to add anything to the list," you admit, biting your lip.

     "Just remember that I've been in your place before. It's not an easy position to be in," Jackson takes your hand, his eyes imploring you to talk to him," It hurts even if you don't want it to."

     "I just... don't want you to worry about me," You can't meet his eyes as you speak. A part of you is ashamed that you're bothered by it all, that it makes you want to break down sometimes.

     "I'll always worry about you," A soft touch traces your cheekbone," I love and it's my job as your boyfriend to worry about you. If you want to talk to me then I'll listen."

     "Honestly? I'm more okay then I thought I would be," You say truthfully," Considering I've been receiving hate and death threats."

     "Death threats?" Jackson's expression breaks your heart," You've been receiving death threats?"

     "Yeah," Your voice feels small. Jackson's expression is dark as he stands up. You grab his wrist," Where are you going?"

     "To end this," The dark expression doesn't leave Jackson's face.

     "Just leave it be. It's not like saying something will make it better," You don't relinquish your hold on his wrist, your eyes pleading with him to stop and think for a second.

     "I can't do that. They're mistreating you and that's not something I can ever be okay with. I would feel this way if they were talking about my father, my mother or my brother," Jackson's expression is completely serious as he looks down at you," I love you and that means that I can't let this go."

     After that, Jackson basically started a war against the fans online. He combated their hateful statements with cute pictures of the two of you and testaments to how much he loves you. None of his remarks to the fans were mean in anyway. He mostly communicated in the pictures and it seems that a lot of the fans liked the pictures of the two of you. It's hard not to love a man who makes it a point to only respond to the hate positively. 

Notes: I only have about two more scenarios and I think maybe one text. I can't remember. I hope you guys can bear with the spam a bit longer.

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