Got7 Reacts to Dealing With Depression and/or Anxiety

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Request: @char_dream: Hi, I was wondering if you could do GOT7 react to you dealing with depression and/or anxiety? Idk if you're taking request, so please consider this. Thank you

1. Mark

     Mark has always been the type of person to quietly support people. He would do little things that go almost unnoticed to help you out. Things like maybe doing the laundry or making you some food for later before he goes to work.

2. Jb

     Jaebum might not know how to help you at first. He may not realize at first that you don't need help all the time, but he'll learn it over time. He'll be there for you when you need him to.

3. Jackson

     Jackson makes it his job to take care of the people that he loves. He would be a dutiful and caring partner. He may be a bit overwhelming at times so you may have to remind him to chill every once in a while.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung is another quiet, caring type. He's really quite observant and is there whenever you need him. He's also someone who will help you get out of bed or care for yourself on bad days.

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae is the person who has the hardest time knowing how to help you. That being said, he's also the one member I could see falling into small amounts of depression occasionally based on his personality, so he understands. He takes care of you in his own way.

6. BamBam

     Bam is oblivious. You might have to tell him because he doesn't seem to be the type to readily recognize the signs of depression or anxiety. In a way, his personality may be a relief to you. (Maybe not for everyone but some).

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom tries his best to help you in his own way. He notices it in a much different manner then his hyungs. He notices small things you do, your tics. He's your rock and a listening ear whenever you need one.

A/N: I'm feeling a little better then I did yesterday so I'm going to try to update both of my fics tonight, hopefully. I hope that you guys will check out my Youngjae one since I feel like he needs more love on here. 

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