Got7 Reacts to You Coming Home With a Wrap/Cast on Your Wrist

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Request: Hi love! Can you do a got7 or bts (either one, it doesn't matter) to their girlfriend coming home with a cast/wrap around their wrist because they broke/injured it at practice? Thank you!

1. Mark

     Mark would be concerned but he wouldn't be angry. He knows that he has the possibility of getting hurt like that when he does his dancing and flips, so he can't really say anything against it. He would sit you down and calmly ask you what happened how long it would take for it to heal. If you were in pain, he would get you some of your pain medicine to try to help you ease it. He would sit next to you and take your other hand, brushing a kiss over your knuckles.

     "I'm glad you're okay, baby," Mark says softly, his breathe fanning over your knuckles.

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum would want to be annoyed with you for getting yourself hurt, but he knows that that isn't going to help anything. He would let out his annoyance in a sigh before leading you to sit on the couch. He would ask you to explain what happened and if you were okay.

     "Jagi, you need to be more careful," Jaebum sighs, closing his eyes for a second before meeting your eyes," I don't like seeing you hurt."

3. Jackson

     Jackson would go into full freak out mode, asking questions so quickly that you couldn't answer any of them. He would ask questions that make sense, like what happened, but he would then go on tangents about what he thinks may have happened. Most of his theories would be ridiculous and outrageous. Finally, you just cover his mouth with your hand and explain what happened.

     "I'm sorry you're hurt Jagi. I'll be sure to help you so that you can get better sooner," Jackson vows. You cover your smile with a hand, suppressing a laugh, at how ridiculous he sounds. 

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung would be very concerned to see that you were hurt. He tends to be a bit of a worrier about the people that he cares about although he doesn't really show it outwardly. He would ask you to explain what happened and what the doctor said to do to take care of it. He would be the one to make sure that you follow the doctor's instruction thoroughly to avoid any complications or further injury.

     "The doctor said to rest that arm. Don't strain yourself too much. Just relax tonight and we'll eat in the living room tonight," Jinyoung smooths your hair away from your face, giving you a gentle kiss before going to take care of dinner.

5. Youngjae

     Tiny Smol Sunshine would be devastated when he saw that you were hurt. He would ask what happened and what he could do to make you feel better. He would order dinner, cuddle you, and turn on your favorite movie. When you were getting sleepy but your wrist was keeping you from sleeping, he would give you some pain meds and offer to sing you to sleep.

     "Will it help you if I sing to you?" Youngjae asks softly, pressing a small kiss to the tip of your nose. 

6. BamBam

     BamBam wouldn't know what to do. He would ask what happened, how long it would take to heal, things of that nature, but he would be stumped on exactly how to help you. He would probably go into the other room and call Jinyoung for some advice. After that, he would offer you pain meds and cuddle with you to watch tv. When you dozed off in his arms, that's when he would express his doubts about his ability to help you.

     "Jagiya, is there any way that I can make this easier for you?" BamBam asks softly, biting his lip.

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom would remain calm and rational. He would calmly ask you what happened, if you needed some pain meds, and how long you're going to have to wear that cast. He would get you some food to help to counter balance your meds and make sure that you drink lots of water and rest. He would sit with you and hold you, doing his best to help you relax.

     "Jagi, just rest for now, okay? We'll worry about it tomorrow," Yugyeom nuzzles your hair, pulling you closer.

Notes: Time to do a mass update of my Got7 content!

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