Got7 Reacts to You Cheating

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Request: Got7 request a reaction to their s/o cheating

1. Mark

     Mark is heart broken. Even if he can be a little quiet occasionally, he's completely dedicated to any relationship that he's in. He wouldn't be able to face you. He wouldn't want to know why because it won't change anything.

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum will become cold in front of you, not even acknowledging your existence. He refuses to let you see how much you hurt him. His pain will quickly turn to anger and eventually, he will demand answers. 

3. Jackson

     Jackson is devastated. He is very dedicated to the people he cares about so one of them betraying that trust will crush him. He won't be able to be in the same room with you, ever, without wanting to breakdown again. His heart won't be able to take it. He feels like he did something wrong.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung is a little savage. He can be a very cold hearted human when he feels that he needs to be. He will completely ignore your existence. He doesn't need answers, he just needs to be done with you. As far as he is concerned, you're not a part of his life anymore.

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae basically becomes... broken. His S/O has always been important to him so he feels like he was somewhat of an ineffective boyfriend. He would beat himself up, thinking he didn't take care of you. He's another one who can't look at you or be in the same room as you.

6. BamBam

     BamBam just tries to play it off. He won't stay with them, but he's courteous enough not to tell everyone.Most likely, the only person who would know is Yugyeom. Yugyeom would constantly want to confront the person, but he would instead focus on keeping BamBam away from them. BamBam would try to stay friends but in the end, it would be too much for him in the end.

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom is pissed. He wants answers then and there. He wants to know why this happened and how it could possibly be an answer for anything. He's completely done. Not only are they not going to be around him, none of his band members want anything to do with them. They're the only ones who know how much pain it caused him.

Notes: Also, I have discovered I am annoyed by people incorrectly pronouncing the word occult. I'm not sure why.

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