Got7 Reacts to You Being a Bad Girl but Secretly Soft

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Request: Hi there! Can I request a got7 reaction where reader is a "bad" girl who's tough and kind of mean/rude but is deep down a softie? Thanks in advance!

1. Mark

Mark tends to have an easy time dealing with things like sarcasm and "rude" humor. The softie element of you would be his favorite part. He goes between being super quiet and being a huge ball of fluffy energy so he understands you better than any of the rest of his members.

2. Jb

Jaebum wouldn't have difficulty dealing with any of it. Honestly, he would be the most entertained by your tough side. The fluff side is a little more out of his element. 

3. Jackson

Jackson would struggle with the tough side a lot. He's a fluff child with a big heart and puppy like habits so he would have a lot of difficulty with that. The fluff side is the side that appeals to him, the one that makes him feel at home.

4. Jinyoung

Jinyoung finds the mean side the most hilarious thing. Whenever you direct it at the other members, he's like a giggly child. He has so much savagery that it would be hilarious. That being said, he admitted to his ideal type being someone with lots of aegyo so the fluff side is his favorite side. 

5. Youngjae

Youngjae is a smol sunshine child and the mean side might be a deal breaker for him. He would really have a hard time dealing with something like that. (A lot of people probably think that I find Youngjae weak willed, but in reality, I just think that he's the type of person that knows the things that he can be around and the ones he can't. He's careful not to put himself in situations that would cause problems for him.) The fluff side is intriguing to him but it might not be enough to make him stay. 

6. BamBam

BamBam honestly isn't really bothered by either side of it. He's kind of the same way, to some extent, so he would be perfectly content with it. 

7. Yugyeom

Yugyeom might struggle some. He might seem like a giant human, but he's a giant man child that cries super easily. The mean side would be a struggle for him but the soft one would not. He'd be constantly conflicted. 

A/N: Hey guys! More Got7 things, yay! I have to mow soon and it's hot and I'm sad. 

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