While Only Barely Alive

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✧ Chapter 1 ✧
[ While Only Barely Alive ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

"We need to talk. Meet me in the school garden, two in the morning. From, Ouma. P.S. Make sure you're alone."

Shuichi narrowed his eyes at the handwriting, frowning as he read. What did Kokichi mean? He wasn't being very specific. And he wasn't sure if he trusted him.. but then again..

He felt his heart skip a beat whenever he heard Kokichi's name in his mind. Why was he feeling this way? He wasn't even supposed to be feeling this way!

He glanced at the clock on his desk, still holding the paper as the seconds ticked away.

It was nearly half past one, in the morning. Furthermore, he was supposed to be studying for his upcoming math test.

However.. this sounded urgent.

And Shuichi knew he couldn't really leave Ouma hanging around like this. Especially when there was a curfew in their school. No one was allowed outside in the halls or grounds when it was past ten.

No. He reminded himself again, turning away and stuffing the note deep into his pocket.

Shuichi grabbed his dark navy blue hoodie and put it on. Tugging on the sleeves and making sure he had his key card to his dorm room, Shuichi grabbed his backpack and unlocked the door.

Without really thinking too much about it, Shuichi headed to the garden. If Kokichi needed to talk to him, he might as well see what he needed.

It shouldn't be a problem. Right?

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

[ Present Day ]

"Dangan Island." Miss Yukizome Chisa said to the class, while tapping the board with a long ruler. She slowly walked around the class, waking the students who had fallen asleep.

"A place where people can live a beautiful life along with millions of other people, young and old. Isn't that true?

As all of you are smart, open-minded teenagers, can anyone tell me what are the three main rules about staying in our paradise?"

There was a silence as Shuichi continued to stare at the clock, hanging on the wall at the corner of the room. He had five more minutes till the bell rang, to signal the end of History lesson..

He didn't dislike Miss Chisa.. he just hated the fact that her lesson was rather repetitive. The other students didn't seem to want to speak up as well, which surprised him a little. The class was unusually calm and quiet today.

"Come on students," Miss Chisa tapped on the board a little harder, "Answer the question- oh, yes Keebo?"

The boy lowered his hand, before clearing his throat and standing up, "Our three main rules are that we can have all the food we want, everything is provided and we just live in a paradise where people can do whatever they please."

Of course, Shuichi knew this by heart, since it was written in the textbooks over and over again.

It was even on the school's bulletin board, and engraved on the school's water fountain. There was even a banner, hung up in the cafeteria with these very words.

"However," Keebo continued, "There is one rule-."

"Which I will allow another student to answer, thank you very much, Keebo, you may take your seat." Miss Chisa nodded, making the student nod and sit back down.

Shuichi held his breath as Miss Chisa walked up to his desk. "Now, Saihara.." she smiled gently, "Would you like to finish Keebo's answer?"

Of course she would ask him..

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