Ch.56 A New Place (Season 3)

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July 18, Age 372 Realm of Humanity

A bright blue sky,lush green trees and grass,the midsummer heat shining down on the world.A kid,vanilla skinned with blonde hair and emerald eyes pulled his arms back in a striking pose as he slammed an axe into a tree shouting forty-seven.He added another tally on the grass using a sharpened branch as he swung an additional two more times and charged up for fifty only to miss and hit the top of the cutting area.The blonde haired boy panted and fell over onto his back.The other boy who was laying down sat up and chuckled.

Boy:Sounds like you screwed up your hit again.That makes it 41 total now?By the walls,you have zero coordination.

The boy next to the one to the one with blonde hair got up and approached the blonde haired boy.

Boy:It sounds to me like you owe me some siral water today,wouldn't you say,Eugeo?

Eugeo:Come on,man you don't even help....

Boy:Why should I?I don't want to cut down the tree that gives the best shade.

Eugeo:That or you're just lazy, Mav.

The boy named Mav smirked.

Mav:What?Me?Lazy?I'll have you know that I am a professional sleeper.It really rakes in the capital.

Eugeo got up and glanced at Mav.

Eugeo:You should really take this seriously.It's our calling to cut down the Gigas Cedar.

Mav:But what's the point?Our people have been doing this for what seems like forever and we have no real reason to cut it down.Seems pretty pointless to me.Our "calling" is pretty crappy if i'm being honest.

Mav drew an "S" and pressed it showing the stats for the tree.

Mav:What kind of goddamn tree has this much hit points?!We've only done about fifty damage to it.We could cut all the trees in the forest and make a wooden kingdom before we'd finish cutting this damn thing down!

Eugeo:Well this tree is known for it's durability.Six generations have been carving at this tree for 300 years.It'll probably take another 900 years before we cut it down.

Mav:Ugh..count me out....

Mav pulled an engraved dagger out of his holster and began to twirl it in his hand.

Eugeo:Where'd you get that dagger?

Mav:I got it from the guy with short white hair.He's a pretty cool dude.

Eugeo:Really?The village people don't seem to like him.

Mav:Whatever,he's a pretty cool guy to me.

Mav walked over to Eugeo and placed his dagger back into his holster and ruffled Eugeo's hair.

Mav:Little goody two-shoes...

Eugeo:M-Mav!Stop that!

???:Caught you slacking off again,didn't I?


Eugeo and Mav faced towards the feminine voice.It was a girl of the same age as them standing on a rock with her fists on her hips and a basket hooked on her right arm.She had blonde hair and blue eyes with an authoritative look on her face.

Eugeo:H-Hey Alice....You're done with your sacred arts class today?I-I're early today...

Alice:*Sigh*I'm here the same time as usual.If you have enough time to wrestle,maybe I should tell Old Man Garitta to increase your cutting quota?

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