Ch.94 Killer Instinct

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PoH: Someone sure taking his time. Guess I'll have to deal with his parents first.

PoH dashed towards Mav's mother first closing the distance before she could react swinging his cleaver as it was swiftly deflected by the father's blade as he leapt forward throwing a powerful overhead only for Poh to sidestep delivering a hard attack into Dojima. Dojima, ignoring the pain, threw a left hook as it rocked PoH. PoH was quickly sent flying back with a ball of fire combustion right in front of him. PoH rolled backwards and flew right towards Tessa delivering a flurry of blows overwhelming her defense as he got a clean cleave into her leg as he grabbed her and threw her into Dojima.

Asuna: Dojima!

Yuuki: Tessa!

PoH: Trash players. This is who made Mav? I'm disappointed.

PoH heard a chuckle coming from Dojima. Dojima looked up at PoH with a small amused smirk.

Dojima: Sorry pal. It's called having a life. I don't cling to the past. I also don't have time to go hard in games like I used to. So sorry if I can't be a no life like you.

PoH: Oh? Big talk from the one about to die.

Dojima: And? You think that edgy twisted grin is scaring me? You're nothing but a delusional role-player.


PoH slammed his cleaver down only for a blade to catch the strike as a swift spin kick sent PoH reeling back a few steps.

PoH: Who are you supposed to be?

The boy stood in front of Mav's parents stalwart with a stern expression.

Asuna: Eiji?!

Eiji moved back in clashing with PoH using fast strikes and grapples to out maneuver PoH. While the two players were engaged in combat, a small fairy came from behind the group enlarging themselves until they were a normal humanoid size.

Liz: Yuuna?!

Yuuna: Let's fight as one!

Yuuna broke out into song as her performance healed and buffed Eiji and the group.

Klein: Come on guys! Mav needs us to hold out!

Agil: Hell Yeah! Let's kick some ass!

Dojima: Let's do this!

The group dispersed and began fighting off the Red knights as Asuna watched the battle between Eiji and PoH while supporting the others.

Asuna: Come on guys....


Higa: So this is your mighty plan? Hold us all hostage?

Yanai: That's right. You know, I even tried to make my own A.I. like Alice and Eugeo I think they're called.

Kikuoka: What're you talking about?

Yanai: You see, you wanted to make a plain boring fantasy world to get your A.I. I wanted to make the goal of this project get realized as quick as possible. So I nudged one of the A.I.s and followed her life. And she was perfect! Oh man. But then, I forgot that our A.I.s were a little too close to human so I had to help her. Give her a backdoor. And she went WILD.

Higa: So, the reason why our project reached a roadblock and the reason Mav has been fighting tooth-and-nail, was because of you?

Yanai: Eh, collateral. I wanted to get her out and modify the deal I had but she became too arrogant and refused my help to extract her. But she was oh so happy to leave when Mav smoked her. And so were back to square one now. With me hoping this team will hurry the hell up so I can hitch a ride.

Kikuoka: You bastard...

Yanai: Just a guy trying to move his way up. You wouldn't understand.


Back in the Underworld, bullets flew with Sinon fighting Gabriel. Sinon whizzing between the towering rocks for cover and positioning. She ejected the empty mag of her sniper and summoned a new one her face weary and her body in pain from the 50.BMG rounds she sustained. She almost wondered at how her body was still together but barely.  She took a deep breath a few tears slid down her cheeks.

Sinon: Sorry Mav. I'll have to see you on the other side.

Sinon peaked from behind cover seeing Gabriel who had his head on a swivel. Sinon fired her gun as Gabriel quickly leaned dodging the bullet and fired his bullet as Sinon felt her chest get crushed as a burst of blood flew from her as she plummeted to the ground. Gabriel moved in on her and stared at her slowly fading body.

Gabriel: You wanna be a effective sniper?

Gabriel aimed his gun at Sinon's head.

Gabriel: Aim center mass.

Gabriel fired his gun blowing part of Sinon's head away as her body faded away as he watched the particles for a moment before hopping on his mount and hovering off.


There was a long silence in the secondary control room as Nakananshi slowly reached for his gun as Yanai's eye quickly looked over as he fired striking Nakananshi as he hit the back wall. In an instant, Higa rushed Yanai as Yanai fired wildly a stray bullet hitting Kikuoka's arm. The two wrestled for moment until Yanai had enough of an advantage to shoot Higa in the leg as he backed up.

Yanai: Nice try Higa.


The cock of a gun sounded in the room as Yanai turned towards the noise seeing Kojiro holding Nakananshi's handgun aimed at Yanai.

Yanai: Fuck!

Yanai quickly changed targets as Kojiro fired multiple rounds into Yanai as he fell to the ground. Kojiro moved in and kicked the gun towards Kikuoka who picked it up and approached Yanai. Yanai glared at the two as his wheezing slowed until his body stopped moving.


The fight between Eiji and PoH wasn't going well as Eiji was getting a few hits in but taking more damage.

PoH: What's your angle, kid? That look in your eye, you seem to recognize me.

Eiji: Of course I recognize the leader of Laughing Coffin. I'm Knights of the Blood Oath, Nautilus!

PoH: Who? Sorry kid, never heard of ya. But you seem keen on dying to ALLOW ME TO ASSIST YOU!

Eiji closed in and delivered a powerful thrust attack as it found purchase on PoH but at the cost of losing his sword arm. PoH flung a kick knocking Eiji into Yuuna as PoH closed in readying the kill only to be stopped by Dojima's blade.

Dojima: I don't get you. What's the big deal you have with my son?

PoH: Ah that's an easy one! Your son is my best buddy! Ever since I failed to kill him on floor 5 in Aincrad! I've been following him ever since. Floor-to-floor he'd kill without a second thought. Sure some of the assault team despised him but he didn't care. He's a natural born killer and he showed it on his sleeve. You should've been there when he stormed Laughing Coffin HQ. Effortlessly cleaving through members like it was second nature! ISN'T THAT GREAT?! HE'S A TRUE INSPIRATION! I NEED TO SEE HIM AGAIN AND CROSS BLADES WITH HIM! AND I DON'T CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE CLOSE TO HIM I HAVE TO KILL!

PoH deflected Dojima's blade and slammed his cleaver into his collar bone.

Dojima: Shit!

PoH slammed Dojima to the ground and raised his cleaver.


PoH felt his ribs crack as he was sent tumbling as he recovered sliding across the dirt looking up. His face twisting into an excited grin.


Dojima looked up and cackled.

Dojima: Dramatic entrance you got there...

Eiji looked over and smiled.

Eiji: Took your damn time coming.

Mav stood in front of his friends and family eyes burning brightly.

Mav: You wanted me here? I'm here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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