Ch.41 How To Armor(Bonus)

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Rika:Ugh,I need you to come with me so I can get the rare materials I need for your armor.

Y/N:I know that but,I guess i'm just a little surprised you'd make some rare armor for me.I know weapons are your specialty.

Rika:While i'm getting the materials I want someone to talk to and get my back if any tough enemies come out.Plus,if i'm gonna be the best blacksmith,I need to work
on my armor craft.

Y/N:True.Guess i'll see you online then?


I hung up and put on my Amusphere Rig and booted up ALO.

Y/N:Link Start.


I opened my eyes and sat up as I noticed I had a message.I opened it and it was from Strea.

Dear Love,

I saw something really cool so i'll be gone for awhile to explore this awesome dungeon!I'll see if I can bring you back something nice!


Maverick:*sigh*I honestly don't know how to respond when she calls me her love...

After saving Strea,she began calling me love and I quite frankly, feel a little embarrassed.I checked my friends list and made my way towards Liz.


I opened the door to Liz's store and came from under the counter.

Liz:There you are,ready to head out?

Maverick:Let's go.


Liz and I were making our way to the Lake of Enlightenment.

Maverick:So why do we need to go to a lake?

Liz:Because!If i'm gonna make you this rare gear it requires that we find the glowing fish and harvest his scales.It's one of the most common pieces for blacksmiths if you want to craft a rare piece.

Maverick:I'm guessing everyone's gonna be there if that's the case.

Liz:No,you have to be a master blacksmith to even see it.

Maverick:Master blacksmith huh?

I started thinking about when I first met Liz when I needed new armor and to get Kirito a new sword.

Maverick:We had quite the interesting encounter wouldn't you say?

Liz:I'll say.

Maverick:A stranger enters the blacksmith's shop looking for some new gear and the blacksmith's heart flutters at the sight of him.It was a feeling she hasn't felt in many moons and reluctantly goes with him to find a rare material.Then the dragon attacks and they get trapped at the bottom of a hole.They hold hands under the starry night next to the fire as they gaze into each other's eyes as they shift closer and closer until-


Maverick:Hahaha!I'm kidding!I'm kidding!

Liz:Ugh,you're unbearable...

Maverick:I know.


We reached the lake as the sun made it sparkle.

Maverick:We're here, milady.

Liz:Don't call me that.

Liz pulled out a fishing rod and threw it in the pond.

The Maverick(Sword Art Online X Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن