Ch.33 Investigation Team

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Leafa and Company are in a ALO bar watching the Bullets of Bullets Event.

Leafa:Where's Y/N?He should've shown up
by now......

Silica:Maybe,they don't have a battle up on the field yet.I mean,knowing Maverick we should've seen him running around guns blazing from the start.

Klein:Agreed,Maverick is one cocky bastard and loves to make noise and make flashy entrances.

Leafa:Cocky bastard huh?I'm telling him you said that.

Klein:Wha?!Hey don't do that!

Asuna:I wonder where Kirito is though he's probably taking out the competition isn't that right Yui?

Yui:Absolutely!Besides, daddy's so fast!I doubt that he'd even show up on camera.He'll sneak up and strike down the enemy before they even know what happened!

Lisbeth:It's the only way he can do it he should've used guns like Maverick.I didn't know he was such a marksman and tank.maybe I should make him a bow.Or a sword and shield.

Everyone started laughing at this.Then everyone witnessed what happened to Dyne against Pale Rider.

Silica:He's super fast.

Lisbeth:Not as fast as Maverick or Kirito.


The they watched Pale Rider get shot in the shoulder.

Klein:Welp,he's screwed.

Silica:What happened to him?It looks like some kind of paralysis attack,most likely temporary.

Leafa:It was like he was hit with that one wind spell,thunder whip.....

They watched Death Gun enter the screen.


Maverick:Sinon take the shot.

Sinon:Huh?Which one?

Maverick:The one in the ground.

Sinon:Copy that.

Sinon fired her rifle ending Pale Rider's life as Death Gun looked in our direction.I pulled out my pistol and fired at him as he ran off with a bullet grazing his arm.I watched him disappear as I holstered my pistol.


Meanwhile in ALO

Asuna:So,that's Death Gun.Good on whoever killed Pale Rider.I've met that person before...but where?There's only one place I could of....Aincrad!

Asuna:Guys,that Death Gun character Kirito told me about.I want you guys to listen to his audio.

I pulled up the speech Death Gun gave back at his first appearance and let everybody hear it.

Klein:You've gotta be kidding me.

Asuna:You know him too?Do you remember his name?

Kleim:No.I forgot the handle he used.But if it's him,there's no doubt.He was in Laughing Coffin.


Asuna:Laughing Coffin....Was he their leader?You know,the knife wielder?

Klein:No,i'm pretty sure it's not PoH.Something about the way this guy talks in accent is different.But,this guy,he was close to PoH.I'm talking right hand man.


Back in GGO

I turned back to Sinon who had that kind of face.

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