Ch.93 Coffin's Arrival

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Higa: Mr. Yanai? What are you doing?

Yanai: It's nothing personal everyone. But I had a little arrangement.

Kikuoka: The leaker... It was you.

Yanai: Though unfortunately my plan has gone sideways. This was supposed to be a clean op. Get the stupid A.I., then exfil. But apparently that doesn't seem to be the case for these incompetent fucks. So now instead of leaving the company peacefully, I gotta do some heavy lifting.

Kikuoka tried to take a step but immediately jumped back when a bullet landed near his foot and bounced into the roof.

Yanai: Next one goes through your chest. Don't test me.


Sinon was preparing to leave when she felt her windpipe being crushed. She looked behind her seeing the figure of Gabriel who's wounds were slowly regenerating. Pushing through her lack of air, she fired an arrow only for Gabriel to stop choking her and catch the light arrow and breaking it in two as it faded into the wind.

Sinon: That face.....I faced you in GGO.

Gabriel: GGO? Didn't expect to hear that. Hm...

Gabriel stared at Sinon before his eyes ever so slightly widened.

Gabriel: You're that sniper girl in green.

Sinon: So, what are you doing here?

Gabriel: Need-to-know and you don't need to know. So step aside or else I'll do more than just strangle the life out of you like I did back in GGO.

Sinon: Heh, not a chance.

Gabriel: Very well.

Dark tendrils flew from Gabriel constricting Sinon as she tried to break free. The more sue struggled, the more her body began to twist and turn in ways they shouldn't.

Gabriel: I'll break every bone in your body until you beg for death.

Sinon: Agh....

Sinon felt her body slowly cracking and twisting by the constriction as she began to panic thinking of every negative thought she could until she began to think of Mav.


"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Sinon and Mav were currently inside Mav's room in GGO.

Mav: What? All I'm saying is you panic easy.

Sinon: I do not!

Mav: Yeah you do. Which is a bad habit to have for a sniper.

Sinon: Where's your proof?!

Mav: Well other than your defensive outburst, when I watched you play Resident Evil was probably the clearest.

Sinon: How so?

Mav: Well in the two remake and beyond, you're more accurate the longer you stand still. Of course it's a little egregious in the four remake but I digress. When you start off, you hit your shots pretty accurately. But, when they get close you start panic firing in hopes of not taking damage. Actually now that I think of it, you do that in R6 Siege as well. You take damage and start panicking. Oh and Halo. It's kinda hard watching you panic spray the DMR in reach.

Sinon: Okay! You made your damn point! So what am I supposed to do?

Mav: Well it's different for everyone but I think for you, you doubt yourself too much. The moment things don't go exactly to plan, you buckle under that pressure. Of course there's nothing wrong with that. We're only human. But I think if you put more confidence in yourself, you'll be able to better adapt to situations.


Sinon: C'mon Sinon.....BREAK FREE!!!

With a burst of light Sinon broke through the tendrils as she glared at Gabriel summoning her signature sniper rifle.

Sinon: C'mon Hecate! Pierce through!


The bullet whizzed through the air as Gabriel raised his hand watching the bullet fly right through and leave a large hole in his hand.

Gabriel: Hmph.

Gabriel healed his hand and reached his hand out summoning a Lynx sniper rifle. Shouldering the rifle he mockingly smirked at the girl.

Gabriel: Don't disappoint again girlie.


Back on the battlefield, Everyone was battered or even mortally wounded. Silica was trying to heal Agil, Klein and Yuuki were patching their wounds while checking up on their friends, Asuna,Liz, and Leafa were all leaned up against a carriage bleeding heavily from multiple wounds The only two who were only had minor injuries were Mav's parents.

Dojima: Honey, our boy is on his way back.

Tessa: Hope he makes it snappy because our red friends don't look like they're giving us a break.


A cloaked man approached the surrounded force as Dojima and Tessa stood in front of everyone.

Dojima: Who're you supposed to be?

PoH: Oh please, call me PoH.

Klein: I knew it. The leader of Laughing Coffin.

PoH pulled his hood down a sadistic smile on his face.

PoH: Oh? Looks like I'm still fondly remembered.

Asuna: As if, people still have nightmares about that raid. And you weren't even there.

PoH: Oh but I was Asuna. Who do you think gave you intel on their hideout?


PoH: I wanted to make all of you killers! But everyone hesitated except one....Mav.

Tessa: Huh?


PoH: Judging by the look on your faces, you didn't know. Oh yeah, the people he slaughtered that day. Some even begged for their lives! But he had that face! The face of a stone-cold killer! Oh man, if I could, he would've been co-leader of Laughing Coffin!

PoH began to laugh maniacally until he stared at the two parents eyes going wide.

PoH: I don't fucking believe it! I knew Mav was here but you must be his parents!


Dojima: How so?

PoH: Oh pal I'm sorry but you both have that face he has. I must say you raised a helluva kid!

Dojima: Sorry, can't say I'd hear that coming from you.

PoH: Well now, doesn't matter anyways, where is he? I'd love to catch up with him.

Tessa: None of your business.

PoH: Oh but you see, it is my business. Because if you don't bring him here, everyone here dies a slow death.


Kirito: Mav! Bad news! Asuna's force is surrounded! And our being held hostage until you show up!

Mav: For crying out loud, I hate being mister popular. Let's pick the pace up.

Mav alongside Kirito and Eugeo picked up their pace making it back to their force. As they did, Mav heard a voice in his head.

"Is it time?"

"No, not yet. But soon more than likely."

"Alright, don't keep me waiting."

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