Pietro - Secrets part 2

Start from the beginning

"Y/N?" You heard Steve's voice. You smiled like a maniac. As you run up to the front of the glass.

"Steveeee." You giggled as you stared at him with black eyes.

"What happened to you?" He asked covering his mouth.

"I can't stop Stevie. If I do she'll come back and you will be dead." You replied in a sing-song voice.

"Jesus Y/N. Who is doing this to you?" He asked as he put his hand on the glass. For a second your eyes flashed normal and all Steve saw was fear.

"Shadow." You laughed.

"You aren't shadow, are you? Is she controlling you?" Steve said in a rushed voice. You nodded to him.

"She's always been in here." You smiled while pointing to your head.

"This isn't you Y/N. You have to let us help you." He begged.

"No no no. I'm just a monster that Tony will dispose of once he has his answers." You smiled as you stared at him.

"Y/N. Please let me help you." Steve begged more.

"There's no helping me." You said as your smile dropped.

"Kill me." You mumbled to Steve.

"Y/N. No, I'm going to help you I promise." Steve said.

(Anyone feeling this way it is ok to reach out for help. And as much as you feel alone, you aren't alone. I promise you that)

"I want it to end Steve. I don't want this. I never asked for all of this!" You shouted as you cried and held your head in your hands. Steve shook his head as he left the room in a hurry.

"Y/N..." You looked up to see Pietro standing in front of your cell.

"Please help me." You begged as you sobbed.

"Just end it, Pietro!" You screamed as you bashed the glass with your bloody hands.

"Shit Y/N." He swore as he ran over and pressed the button to open your cell. He ran to your side and embraced you as you sobbed into his chest.

"Please. Please, Pietro." You begged.

"Shhh, it's ok." He whispered as he took your hands in his and kissed them.

"It's going to be ok." He promised as he began to pick you up. He lifted you up and in one swift movement, you were in the med bay on a bed.

"I'm scared." You whispered to him grabbing his hand. He sat next to you sat held your hand in his.

"I'm not going to leave your side. I promise Y/N." He whispered as he kissed your injured hand again.

"JARVIS please ask Steve and Tony to meet me here." He said quietly to JARVIS.

"Of course." JARVIS replied. You looked at Pietro with fear and sadness on your face. He placed his hand on your cheek and brushed away your tears and hair. He smiled at you trying to comfort you and he stood up and brought some cloths over and began to clean your hands. He was gentle with your hands as he wiped away the blood. He stood again and began to place bandages around your bruised hands.

"There. All better." He said as he smiled at you sweetly. You smiled back a little.

"When was the last time you slept?" He asked worriedly.

"I can't remember." You said shaking your head.

"You need to sleep." He said holding your hand gently.

"I can't. I'm too scared." You replied as you stared at the ceiling.

"Pietro! What are doing!" Tony shouted from the door.

"Y/N needs help. Not to be imprisoned by her own family." He said confidently to Tony. Steve walked over to you slowly.

"Y/N..." He whispered looking at your broken face.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as you looked at him. He came over to you and kissed your forehead.

"I'm sorry for not helping you. I'm so sorry doll." He said as he hugged you. Steve was always like a father to you. From the moment they rescued you, he became your father figure.

"I love you Y/N. And we will help you get better ok." He said as he held your face in his hands.

"Everything will be ok." He nodded as he left the room to catch his breath. Tony came over and stared at you.

"This was my fault." He mumbled as he looked at you. That was the first time you had ever seen Tony Stark cry. He covered his face as he shook his head.

"You always came to me. But I ignored you. I called you a m-monster. Oh god, what have I done." He cried as he collapsed beside your bed. He grabbed your hand and looked at your face. Seeing you crying as well, he stood up and hugged you tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He cried as he held you. You hugged him back best you could.

"W-Was it you? Who killed all those people?" He asked quietly.

"No. It was my body, but I would never have done what shadow did." You replied looking at him.

"So you were being controlled?" He asked as he sat down beside you. Pietro moved to the other side and held your hand to comfort you.

"Yes in a way. She's in my head all the time. I've tried to get rid of her so many times." You said.

"We're going to help you. I promise." Tony said as he nodded to you.

"But for now I can give you a sedative so you can sleep peacefully. I'll tell the team what's going on." He said as he smiled at you. You nodded back and he gave you a sedative.

"I won't leave your side." Pietro whispered before you closed your eyes. 

(I'm open to a 2nd part so if you would like one let me know.)

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