Don't Be That Way

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Dear Yoongi,

     I don't know why Jimin hasn't spoke of me to you before, but if it helps, he would most likely describe me as Hobi Hyung, or at least the sunshine that is really bubbly. I can't blame him for not speaking about me so it's alright.
     But hey, don't be that way. We've all got our own things but it's okay. I don't mind writing to you nor regret it! You already seem like a great person to talk to, even if you may not say much, it's a-okay!
     I'm sorry, it sounds like you have a pretty hard life but don't worry! Things will definitely get better I promise you that Yoongi! I am happy to hear that you enjoy music and dancing. I usually like dancing hip hop, but I don't mind dancing other genres, like waltzing. I know it may be weird, but it's something I enjoy too. The slow music and slow movement even though they're dazzling, it inspires me a little.
      I also hope you're able to find a good college, I don't know any good ones near me, but I'm sure you'll find the perfect one soon! Hope to hear from you soon!

      Jung Hoseok.

A Letter For You ||Sope Fanfiction|| EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang