The Truth Of My Secret

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       Hoseok sat there on the bed, freed from the tubes that was connected to him. He was silent, and so was his friend that sat in front of him in a chair. They stared at each other in silence, before another male spoke.

"That's how we figured out what happened to you Hoseok."
     Hoseok then nodded, looking up at the male.
"And you're Namjoon right?" Hoseok asked softly.
"It's nice to meet you, well, maybe in not this situation." Hoseok said with a small chuckle.

       Yoongi just stared at Hoseok, thankful that Namjoon hadn't spoken about Yoongi's dilemma of love towards the younger male in front of him. But he was still concerned, and even though he was reassured by Hoseok, he wanted to know what was the cause of the male to fall all of a sudden unconscious.
     Gathering the courage he had in himself, he finally breathed in and lowly said.

"Hoseok...tell me the reason why you passed out."
      "The...what?" Hoseok questioned with a nervous light chuckle. "It was probably because I was dehydrated or just lacked sleep is all." He smiled but Yoongi shook his head.
"Be honest with me Hoseok. Tell me the real reason you passed out." Yoongi said again.

"Better tell Yoongi the truth. He's pretty persistent." Namjoon stated as Hoseok sighed with defeat.
      "Please Hobi. I just want to know what's wrong if there is anything." Yoongi spoke softly. As Hoseok debated about this, it came to the last option he had and he nodded.
"Alright.... I'll-...I'll tell you but, only you Yoongi. I'm sorry Namjoon, but could you please?"
       "Don't need to tell me twice." Namjoon replied with a nod as he left the room, closing the door behind him with a small smile, one that was mostly of worry but also from knowing that Hoseok trusted Yoongi of this. At least with whatever was going on.

Once Namjoon had left, Hoseok looked up at the ceiling, his head tilted back with ruffled red hair as he breathed in. Yoongi sat there, anxious of what would be told to him and the way this topic unsettled Hoseok and himself. Just as he shuffled in his seat, Hoseok finally spoke.

"You have to promise me, that you won't tell anyone unless I let you."
       "...Depends." Yoongi replied.
"Alright, alright. If it's really this serious then-...then I guess I'll promise that." Yoongi sighed as Hoseok looked at him.
"Thank you..." Hoseok's eyes then shifted to looking down at the ground.

"This is something I've kept a secret for a long time, and I'm trusting you Yoongi about this because you'll be the only person who knows about this." Hoseok started. "At least for now you'll be the only one that knows about this." 

       "This...started some years back, at the beginning of Highschool. During third period. Nothing happened, everything was okay but then I walked into the bathroom and I...I had a heart attack." Hoseok explained with a shaky sigh as Yoongi listened intently. "I was rushed to the Nurse's Office but when everything was calmed, I was rushed to the hospital."
        "I didn't know what was going on. I had to go through tests to see what could've caused my heart attack. They asked me so many questions until I got the test results....and ever since then, I've been on pills and never told anyone..."

"Pills? Never told anyone? Hoseok why didn't you tell-...What was the results?" Yoongi said as Hoseok forced himself to look Yoongi in the eyes. The look in Hoseok's eyes pained Yoongi as he saw pain and despair.
       "Yoongi....I have-... I have Coronary Artery Disease..." Hoseok frowned as Yoongi's eyes widened.

Yoongi went pale, much paler than he already was as he stared in horror at the male's words.
       " can't be serious." Yoongi stuttered as Hoseok looked away.
"I wish I wasn't..." Hoseok sniffled.
"Have they figured out what to do to help you with this?" Yoongi said, standing up no longer able to sit with this now in his head.

"Two actually...stay on the pills and other medications or..." Hoseok trailed off, never finishing his words.
"Or?" Yoongi urged on.
      "Surgery.." Hoseok mumbled.
      "Surgery? That's the best they could do?" Yoongi bit the bottom of his lip as Hoseok nodded.
"Then if you don't do any of this than..."
"It'll only be a matter of time before I won't ever open my eyes." Hoseok solemnly said.

Yoongi frowned. He couldn't risk to loose Hoseok, not after he found out of his feelings for him, and Yoongi knew Hoseok had a future ahead of him. That's when he heard soft crying from the younger male as he shuddered with each sob.
"I'm sorry you have to hear's okay if you just pretend this never happened." Hoseok said, wiping his tears.
"Pretend? Pretend that my friend isn't suffering from this? To hell am I doing that." Yoongi interjected as Hoseok turned his head to him, shocked.
       "I'm going to help however I can Hoseok."
"You-..You'd really do that?" Hoseok choked out as Yoongi moved forward and Hoseok's eyes widened.

Hoseok was wrapped in Yoongi's arms, embraced by the elder tightly but in a reassuring hug of protection and comfort. He just knew it.
       "I'd do anything for you." Was what left the lips of Yoongi as Hoseok cried, holding onto Yoongi.
"You're so stupid." Hoseok chuckled with tears as Yoongi chuckled with him.

I may be stupid...

But I might as well be stupid for you Hobi.

ㅠㅠ Wont you look at that. Yoongi's so willing for Hoseok. Boy, what will Jimin think, eh? We'll find that out soon lovelies! 😉

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