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The next few days, the three of them explored Los Angeles, going to all sorts of places. Restaurants, stores, amusement parks, whatever they could go to really, just to ease their minds before Hoseok's surgery.

Just a few days away. A few days away.
Yoongi would repeat in his head, over and over again like a broken disk on a record player that endlessly played the same thing. Sometimes, the thought consumed him like submerging into water surrounding him.
But someone's sweet voice, loving arms, would pull him out safely from the depths of the water. That someone, was always Hoseok. It would always be Hoseok.

It was still, yet two days away. Barely had it become noon that Yoongi was up and awake, staring at the ceiling as he listened to the soft breathing of his boyfriend, who slept snuggled against Yoongi, arms wrapped around his waist, while Namjoon slept on the other bed snoring. He was trying to plan the day to spend with Hoseok, just like he's done for the past days they've spent in California. But now, he's mind was blank.

Come on. There has to be something we could do.
Yoongi thought, nose scrunched a little. The more he thought, the more he struggled to think of some place to go. He just couldn't think of what to do. They nearly went everywhere the past few days. Now, where would they go?

"Yoongz.." Yoongi heard the soft voice, breaking his thoughts as he slowly turned his head to the soft voice and gave a soft smile.
"Good morning Hobi-ah." He said quietly, watching the latter rub his eyes with a small pout, his lips forming into a heart.
"Morning...Woke up early this time?" Hoseok yawned as Yoongi gave a curt nod, kissing Hoseok's forehead.
"Yeah. Did you sleep well?" Yoongi asked as Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi as the other moved closer that their chest touched. Yoongi could feel Hoseok's toned abs, blushing to himself as Hoseok smiled.

"I did." Hoseok answered, kissing the tip of Yoongi's nose.
"Hey Yoongz?"
"Hm?" Yoongi hummed in reply.
"Today, I wanna take you out." Hoseok said happily as Yoongi stared at him surprised. "What? Can't a guy take his boyfriend out somewhere?" He chuckled as Yoongi shook his head, giving a soft giggle.

"No no..I just. I didn't expect it. But, I'd love to go." Yoongi said as he slowly ran his hand through Hoseok's soft hair fondly. "I'd always go with you."
Hoseok grinned at Yoongi as they hugged each other and kissed each other. Yoongi hummed happily, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's neck to deepen the kiss with passion.

Hoseok then pulled his head away, Yoongi giving a pout because he didn't want them to stop, only making Hoseok chuckle.
"Cutie." Hoseok said, booping Yoongi's nose with a smile and got up off the bed.
"I am not cute." Yoongi stated, sitting up as he crossed his arms.
"Whatever you say Yoongz. But. You're my cute kitten either way." Yoongi blushed, watching Hoseok grab a shirt and pants, heading into the bathroom. "Get changed. We aren't going in our pajamas are we?"

"W-Aish. Y-Yeah right." Yoongi stuttered, quickly scooting off the bed as Hoseok went into the bathroom, getting changed and prepared for the day. Yoongi did the same once he got his own chosen clothing he picked, slipping inside the bathroom, joining Hoseok.
Luckily, Hoseok was already changed into decent, and to Yoongi, suitable clothing for a handsome man he was. Secretly, Yoongi was a bit disappointed he didn't get to see Hoseok-

Ahh! Snap out of it Yoongi! Don't think like that!
Yoongi was blushing furiously as he hurriedly changed into his own. Hoseok laughed at his boyfriend as he finished combing his hair.

"W-W-What are you l-laughing at, h-Horse face!" Yoongi exclaimed embarrassingly.
"Oh nothing. Well, that you anticipated something." Hoseok winked. Yoongi then punched Hoseok in the shoulder, the latter laughed as he rubbed his shoulder.
"S-Shut up! No I didnt!" Yoongi protested as he grabbed the comb and started to fix his hair.
"Whatever you say love." Hoseok teased as he pressed a kiss on the other's cheek and started to leave the bathroom.

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