A Day AtㅡYou...

303 18 6

Hoseok: Why are you upset?
(Read 1:06PM)

       Yoongi then sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck setting his phone down. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to Hoseok, it was because he didn't want to worry the younger male of his situation. Yet there was something about that guy. He made Yoongi feel different. Like...He wasn't trash.
        He couldn't describe it well, but it made his stomach turn, more like, in a good way. But he didn't focus on that as he grabbed his cup of coffee and got up from the booth he sat in at a small café. It was a nice warm area, very decorative but balanced, it was his favorite place to go.

Today, he didn't seem to want to stay long as usual. Instead he left, walking outside around the busy streets sipping on his coffee with his phone stuffed into his pocket of his warm jacket. Soft slushed snow was still on the streets here and there, even though it was February, snow still covered areas here and there, and what a pity with how strangely warm it was.
        As he walked through the loud city, he couldn't help but walk to a small park and sat down on a wooden bench brushing off the snow before plopping onto the seat. Just when he thought all was peaceful, he happened to glance towards his left where he saw kids running and went right past him laughing and giggling. Yoongi's eyes stared at them, watching them play and goof about merrily. It only made him suck in air quietly as he looked away from them.

What do I do now?...I don't have work and I'm not going back home yet. What to do?..

      Unfortunately, he just couldn't seem to think or muster up anything of to do. He was completely dumbfounded and sat their like a sitting duck on a water, doing absolutely nothing. Stupid.

Just as Yoongi stood up tossing his empty cup of coffee into a trashcan, he paused as he looked at the person in front of him. He hadn't realised his actions, but he had grabbed his phone and was already ready to text Hoseok when the person approached him.
      Yoongi then gritted his teeth as he backed away from them holding his phone about to text Hoseok when they stopped him making him tense at their touch.

"Yoongi...Please don't text him. I just want to talk."
"Talk to me about what?" Yoongi snapped coldly, his expression darkening as he pulled away from them. "Come to continue our argument...Jimin?"
        The younger male shuffled a bit, looking down to avoid his bitter glare.
        "No it's not like that." He sighed.
"So what is it?" Yoongi questioned.
"I just..want to solve this situation okay?" He said calmly, but he looked up at Yoongi with nervous eyes.

"How? Want me to stop talking to Hoseok?" Yoongi hissed when he realised he had used the younger's name out of a sudden.
       "Hoseok?..You-..No. Not about that." Jimin then looked away from Yoongi, looking to the side. "I've got something to say."
       "Yoongi...I'm sorry." The younger then dared to look at Yoongi in his eyes. "I didn't...I was just..."
"Scared." Yoongi finished.
"I wasn't-....Okay maybe I was. I really was....Its just. The way you acted that day.." He then rubbed his arms closing his eyes. "I got worried. I hate seeing you like that...in so much pain and hatred from what he did...I can't blame you but you-...you were implying to die..."

"How could I not react to that? Then..then you even hurted me." Jimin whispered a bit. "I never wanted to act that way or try to push Hoseok away from you...but I got so scared that you would be so hurt to hurt the both of us..."
       Yoongi hadn't responded. He never spoke a word but kept silent as Jimin spoke, but soon utter silence surrounded the two as no one said a word. Jimin, however, was waiting for Yoongi to say something. Anything. But he never did instead walk away.

With a heavy sigh and frustration, Yoongi ran his hand through his pale blonde hair when he felt hands clasped around his, making him whip around to face Jimin with a hiss.
       "Yoongi please!" Jimin begged and fell onto his knees holding onto the older's hand. "Dont leave! Please! Ill make it up to you. Just give me another chance!"
        "Another chance?" Yoongi barked with laughter as he wretched his hand out of his grasp. "And why would I do that?"
         "Because I did something stupid!" Jimin responded looking up at Yoongi with glossy eyes, taken the older male back at the sight. .

"Please! Forgive me! Ill do anything! Anything!" Jimin wailed.
       "Why?..." Yoongi mumbled.
"Because I want to be friends with you again. So we all could be friends." Jimin replied, making Yoongi raise an eyebrow suspiciously.
      "We?" He questioned.
"You...me...Hoseok hyung..."


"What happened to Hoseok?" Yoongi asked catching the younger's attention.
      "Didn't he tell you?..He won't be friends with my until I make up.." Jimin whispered.
"So you're doing this because of Hoseok?" Yoongi scoffed.
       "No! Well yes but mostly because I feel horrible for what I did."
Yoongi contemplated about this. Was Hoseok really that willing to stay friends with him, even to loose Jimin as his friend? But why? Why would he do that? It wasn't like they've known each other for years...
        But when Yoongi thought of it more, his stomach churned at the thought, a bit of a good feeling you could say, but, his attention shifted to Jimin who clutched onto Yoongi's legs beginning to cry.

"Please Yoongi...Please...Forgive me babe."

Babe? He decides to call me babe? Again?

(°3°) OooOOooO LoVe DrAmA cOmInG iTs WaY! What do you think will happen? Will Yoongi forgive Jimin? Or will something else happen? That's it for today loves!~

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