Excuse Excuse

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Hoseok winced as he got up, back acted as if nothing happened as he forced himself to be the ray of sunshine he was and hug Yoongi. He even received a warm hug back as Yoongi embraced him back, patting his back.
      "It's so great to see you in person finally." Yoongi nodded as they pulled away staring at each other. "You're definitely the horse face guy." He chuckled as Hoseok huffed with bright pink cheeks.
"Yah! Turtle face!" He retorted as Yoongi laughed in reply, both having a smile on their face although Hoseok was secretly suffering pain. Yet it looked like they were old friends, as if they knew each other for years with how happy they seemed to be together.

"Uhhh...Hello? Jungkookie here left in the dark!" Jungkook said grabbing the other's attentions as they laughed.
        "Sorry Jungkook." Jiwo said as she sat down. "These two have been sending mail to each other the past week or so."
"Wow really?" Jungkook questioned as Yoongi nodded.
"Sorry and you are?"
"Jeon Jungkook."
         "Nice to meet you." Yoongi replied as they shook hands politely and soon everyone sat down the booth, but Hoseok was extremely unsettled by this all because of what he was going through, tapping the ground with his foot rapidly yet so quietly against the tilted floor.

"So this is where you work Hobi?" Yoongi gazed around as he spoke, grabbing Hoseok's attention who folded his hands on his lap under the table.
     "Y-Yes. Its not too special but its the best." Hoseok replied with a bright smile.
"Nothing too special? I would hang out here all the time." Yoongi replied, Hoseok's cheeks then flushed, turning pink at his compliment for the area.
"See Hoseok? What was I telling you? He always said its nothing special but honestly its completely the about of nothing." Jiwo added as Hoseok huffed at her.
       "Are you acting like Eomma now?" He whined as Jiwo giggled.
"He can sometimes be shy about his work here and there."
"Yah!" Yoongi and Jimin shared chuckles or giggles as they watched this, Jungkook snickered.
       "Anyways." Hoseok huffed looking at Yoongi and Jimin. "Have anything in mind you'd both want to eat?"
"How about the usual Hoseokie hyung?" Jimin asked cutting Yoongi straight off his words who closed his mouth and sat there silently.

Hoseok then nodded and got up almost staggering over, but kept his composure as Jimin began speaking with Jiwo and Jungkook. Glancing over breathing in and getting used to the pain, he made it over to Yoongi and winked at him as he quietly whispered to the older male.
       "Can I get you anything you prefer?" Then the male nodded, a smile tugging his lips. "Black Americano please?"
"Coming right up." Hoseok said and stumbled his way to the counter as Yoongi tilted his head curiously at the strange straining walk the younger male had down but he couldn't ask him what was wrong when Jimin pulled him into the conversation.

Biting the bottom of his lip harshly, he talked with his fellow employee and the cook as they got food started when he got patted on the back, feeling like Hoseok got the wind knocked right out of him. This didn't obviously help with the pain in his chest, more towards where his heart was.
       "Think you'll be working here today on a holiday?" One said as the smiled at Hoseok. Breathing in, Hoseok shook his head and replied with a bit of restraint in his voice.
"Nah. I've got some friends here to catch up on."
      "You sure? Hey you don't look too good there-"
"Order up dear." A woman said placing a tray down in front of Hoseok with a soup and a side of salad with orange juice, and finally, a cup of Black Americano.

"Thank you." Hoseok bowed and quickly, yet carefully, took the tray back to the others, placing it on the table being the bubbly person he was again as he stuck his tongue out with a chuckle.
      "Foods here!"

"Thanks Hobi." Yoongi nodded with a soft smile as he took his Black Americano and Jimin too his order.
       "Of course." Hoseok replied and sat down in the booth where Jungkook and Jiwo sat talking.
"So how long are you deciding to stay here?" Jungkook asked to the older male.
"I don't know. I might just head back tonight." Yoongi answered as he sipped his coffee quietly.
       "Aww you're not staying for some time?" Hoseok pouted playfully, not even noticing Jimin was going to say something in reply.
"I wish but I've got work." Yoongi smiled at Hoseok. "Doesn't mean we can't keep in contact right?"
       "Right." Hoseok said with a smile when Jimin coughed, getting their attention.

As they continued to speak, Hoseok felt the pain increase as he slammed his head onto the table and softly as possible, but that didn't go as he planned. It grabbed everyone's attention, everyone looked at him with worried expressions mixed with confusion.

"Hoseok are you okay?" Jiwo asked as Hoseok gave a small sound in reply before speaking.
    "I-I'm fine.."
    "Hyung.." Jungkook said softly when a low voice said, "No you're not." Hoseok looked up to see that Yoongi was sitting straight and looking at him intensely with worry and sterness.
"I-I'm okay Yoongi hyung, I swear." Hoseok said with a bright smile when Yoongi shook his head making the other bite the bottom of his lip.
      "Don't give me that smile. What's wrong?"
"I'm just going to use the bathroom," Hoseok quickly replied as he hastily got up wincing, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get away and not to worry them all.

"Hoseok please, talk to us." Jiwo said with a small whine as Jimin nodded.
"Its nothing. Just um..stomach pain." He beamed, beginning to make his way to the bathroom as Yoongi said.
      "You're not being honest to us."

You're not being honest to me....

Hoseok gulped as he pushed the bathroom door open, gasping as he slammed his body harshly on the wall breathing heavily, clutching his chest tightly as he looked up begging for the pain to stop. He felt sorry, not for himself, but that he was telling lies, lies to people he cared the most and who showed the same to him. But he just couldn't tell them what was happening to him, what was going on with him.
     Shakily, he stumbled to the sink, clutching onto it tightly for support as he fidgeted with his bag pulling out his water bottle and the yellow container, the container that kept his medications, his pills. Take his pill, he swallowed the small pill with water, his jaw shutting tightly close at the bitter taste and how irregular it was for him to allow it to just go down without being chewed but it didn't matter. He wanted the pain to stop, he didn't want this, he wanted happiness. He wanted to experience things without his disease in the way of it all. To no longer lie...

I'm so sorry for my excuses...my lies everyone...Im sorry..

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