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(This is going to be VERY emotional and I am sorry for my angsty butt but I advise you to read the ENTIRE chapter before freaking out. 😓 Again. Thank you all for your support and I present...this..)

It was just like that. He wasn't the same after the accident. What was worse, was that once they had arrived at the hospital for help, was what was presented to Yoongi...

"Mr. Min." A doctor said as Yoongi looked up shakily, at his name as his friend stood beside him as his support.
"Yes! T-That's me!" Yoongi replied as the doctor looked at him solemnly. When a doctor looks at you like that, so sympathetically with sorrow or guilt, it meant nothing good and it terrified Yoongi more than anything.

"I have news of Jung Hoseok.."
"Please..Please just tell me it straight." Yoongi said, looking down at the floor helplessly.
"If you insist."

"But, Mr. Jung has been able to make it through this and we have him in stable conditions." Yoongi listened carefully, his heart tugging against him as hope started to fill him at those words. His Hoseokie, his Hobi was still there, still here alive.



"Because of his condition...he'll need to have an immediate surgery in order to calm his blood pressure and his heart itself."

"Oh my god...Hoseok hyung.." Namjoon said in tears as Yoongi felt like he was in the most horrendous dream that he just wanted to wake up. He wanted someone to wake him up before it got worse. But this...

was reality...

"I'm sorry Mr. Min, but this cannot be avoided or put on hold. This is for the sake of his life."
Sobbing, Yoongi turned around but gave a nod, his heading hung low.
"'ll excuse me now." The doctor said and left.

Days had passed since then, and Hoseok was lucky enough to survive both operations from the car accident and his early surgery for his disease. Although this sent joy over everyone, he never woke up afterwards. And from that day, Yoongi never left Hoseok's room unless he was forced to or needed to get something necessary. He would sleep there, hoping that the very next day, his Hobi would be smiling at him...

But that never happened...

Many believed Hoseok was in a coma, and it was even confirmed after 3 days. But others began to deny and think that it wasn't a coma but death he was slowly slipping into. Yoongi, however, refused to listen to that and has the strongest belief that Hoseok was in a coma. Days would pass, and he still wouldn't wake up. A week passed, yet Yoongi still stayed and wrote.

He would sit there, beside Hoseok's bed with a pen and paper. He wrote his thoughts, his wishes, things he noticed, the changes that happened that Hoseok was unaware of, and how much he missed him. The more he wrote everyday, the more they poked into becoming a neat pile stacked and tied with string to keep them secured. What felt like years, became months Hoseok wouldn't wake up. He wouldn't share his smile, his jokes, his loving care and affection, his understanding, it was like it all disappeared and it left everyone distraught.

Taehyung and Jungkook would visit whenever they could before Jungkook would break into tears with Taehyung. Jimin would bawl, talking to Hoseok as Taemin would message his neck and supported him. Then, there was Jin and Namjoon who visited the most to check on Hoseok, and Yoongi. Jin would have private conversations with Yoongi, bringing him clothing and homemade food, books and of course, more paper. In return, Yoongi would share what was on his mind and allow Jin to take things back and do whatever he may. And Namjoon, would do the exact same but would encourage Yoongi to leave the hospital building and go out for real fresh air, but Yoongi would refuse over and over again.

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