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Yoongi ran, he ran faster than he's ever done in his life. His heart raced, his adrenaline was roaring as tears rolled down his cheeks. Clutching a paper in his pale hands.

"What do you mean he's leaving?!"

"Read! Read this letter Yoongi!" The older yelled, sobbing as he gave the younger the paper. Snatching it quickly, he read it.


I wanted to tell you from the beginning... You knew what I was facing, that I would need to take action someday of my condition.
I'm sorry for lying. For being a coward. For never telling you what had drove me to leave you, to leave and finish something I should've done ages ago.. But I was scared.

This will, may or may not, be my last letter for you my Kitten, my love, my boyfriend..My Yoongi. But I am leaving. I promise I wouldn't. I never wanted to leave, but I have to do this. Not because I want to get away, but to try to have surgery..

I'm leaving..I don't know if I'll return, if I'll make it. But I'm going to try and keep fighting for you. Can...Can you wait? No. Don't wait. I don't want you to be miserable because of me...If..I don't ever return, will you find another love? For me?..Even if it pains me say that.. But you deserve happiness. You deserve it so much..

I love you with all my heart.

-Your Sunshine, your hope, your Angel,
Jung Hoseok

Yoongi screamed, screaming loud as he shoved and zoomed past people who shouted and yelled at him. He didn't care. He wanted Hoseok. He didn't care what it would cost to get to him, to see him. He was going to get to him. He has to.

"No...No...No...No.." Yoongi repeated over and over again as he dropped onto the ground on all fours, sobbing painfully.

"Yoongi...Yoongi!" Jin yelled as the other looked at him.


"You to be happy!" The other fired back as he forced himself to wipe his own tears before shoving a passport, a ticket for a plane into Yoongi's hand.


"Go...Go to Hoseok. Go to him Yoongi and go with him." Jin said as he helped the younger, heartbroken male to his feet.

"But he had to have left already and boarded the plane.." Yoongi said with defeat when Jin shook his head.

"Not yet. You still gave a chance. Its 1:19PM. He doesn't board his flight till 3PM. You have time!" Jin said.

Yoongi was out of breath. Never has he ran like this before, never in his life. But this was an exception, because he was going after his true love. He was going to give it all he has to get to the airport before 3. Before he was too late. The only thing he brought was a bag with clothing hastily shoved in, his money and phone, and his heart thumping, loudly, calling for the other half of him.
      Huffing and panting, he looked up to see the large building with planes lifting off and soaring into the sky.

So close! So close! I'm here Hoseok! I'm here!
Yoongi gulped as he rushed past people and slipped inside the building hearing intercoms blaring out flights, people, and other such things. There were thousands of people within the building, any of them being Hoseok.

With a choked cough, lungs and chest tight, he looked around. He tried to find where they were going to board, to where they were going. Los Angeles, California.
       He squeezed through people, checking the time on his wristwatch as Yoongi gasped for breath. 2:35PM. Hope rushing through him, he looked up and entered the area where people were seated with luggages, bags, talking to the woman at the counter, standing up or sitting as they talked with those around them, but he didn't see his Hoseok anywhere.

Did he already board the plane? Am I at the wrong gate? Oh no...No no...
      Yoongi panicked. Breathing in and out rapidly, he tried to regain himself as he walked around the area in hope for Hoseok to show up, anywhere. That's when he heard the intercom beep and a voice came.

"Gate 19 will now board. Please make sure all your belongings are with you, if there's any complication please talk to the staff, and have a safe flight."

Yoongi was pleading within his thoughts that Hoseok would be there, he would be here and walking towards him. Finally, he saw someone familiar.
      "Namjoon?!" Yoongi exclaimed as the younger male looked up, wearing shades and a book in hand as he pulled on his luggage with a backpack.
"Yoongi hyung? What are you doing here?" Namjoon said in shock as Yoongi rushed over to him.
       "I'm here for Hoseok! What about you?" Yoongi said, his foot tapping impatiently on the floor with confusion and anxiety.
"...I'm going with Hoseok hyung for his surgery. In know." Namjoon said solemnly.
"Wait..if you're going-Where is Hoseok?!" Yoongi shouted as the younger gulped.

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