Wonderful With You

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"So Hoseok, where are we heading to?" Yoongi questioned as he raised an eyebrow curiously at the younger male. "Don't sweat it. You'll like it. Hopefully." Hoseok chuckled as they walked through the busy city.

As Yoongi followed nervously after Hoseok, they made it to what looked like a restaurant. Yoongi then stared in awe at the beautiful yet simple restaurant that was outside unlike the many they've passed.
       "Hobi...it's..." Yoongi was at a lost of words when the other turned to him with a smile. "Beautiful?" He finished.
"I-..Couldn't find any better word." Yoongi said as they walked inside and soon were seated down.

"Oh..Oh Hoseok you can't. You have work and-"
"Ehhh. They've got me covered. Besides, I don't want you to be bummed out." Hoseok said. "Today's supposed to be a happy day. I may not be the person, but I'm willing to make you smile."
       "You'd....You'd really do that?" Yoongi said quietly as Hoseok nodded. "Duh! Of course! I care for you as much as anyone. I would always try to make you smile."

You're really something Hoseok. You really are. Yoongi thought happily as they gave their orders to a small slim woman who disappeared to the kitchen.

"So what is this place?" Yoongi questioned as he looked around, his eyes wandering around at the beautiful scenery. Flowers were put into beautiful painted vases with fairylights around the area, translucent but beautiful as the area buzzed with life.

       "This is my favorite restaurant. I always come here when I went to cheer up sometimes. Get away from the drama and everything." He said thoughtfully then turned his gaze to Yoongi. "I usually come alone, but this is a special occasion." He beamed as Yoongi stated.
       "Really?..Well its a great place to come to." Yoongi said as he looked up the roof of the restaurant was glass that revealed a clear sunset like sky. "I see why you'd come here alone."

Hoseok nodded as they continued to talk. Their conversation went smoothly, even jokes were tossed in that both of them erupted with laughter. Even when their food came, they spoke as if they knew each other for years as they learned much about it each other; interests, their likes and dislikes, absolutely such joking tones and happiness that bubbled up from the both of them. But even they had to eat as they talked.

Finally, as Hoseok spoke with the waitress as Yoongi and him both agreed to pay half and half, Yoongi couldn't help but stare at the others features. Beautifully tanned skin, his strong jawline with a kind expression that never faded, the twinkling in the male's eyes, it was definitely something Yoongi never noticed till now.
       Blindly, Yoongi pulled out his phone and stared at his apps when he tapped on a specific one, his camera. Pointing his phone up at what was in front of him, he took a picture just as Hoseok turned to face him perfectly.

"Huh?" He said. "Did you just take a picture of me?" Hoseok questioned with a shy laugh.
"Pfft. What? No." Yoongi said nervously as he looked at the well taken picture then at Hoseok.
       "Yah, its okay." Hoseok said. "As long as it isn't a bad one I'm fine with it."
"Are you serious?" Yoongi questioned as Hoseok nodded. "Serious. Just dont do something weird with it."
"Ha. Like I'd do that horse face."
        Hoseok then pouted cutely as he ran his palm through his red dark vibrant hair. "Whatever turtle face." He retorted back as Yoongi laughed and looked at the picture with a sweet gummy smile.

" He retorted back as Yoongi laughed and looked at the picture with a sweet gummy smile

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Yoongi paused as his smile widened.


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Title: ______

Title: Wonderful With You

"You know what Hobi? You look handsome in this picture." Yoongi said, finally looking up from his phone to see a stunned Hoseok. "No jokes at all."

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