His What?

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Hoseok then sighed as he looked up from his phone as he walked home alone, not the usual of what he does but today, he wasn't in the mood to walk with anyone really. He didn't understand why he was acting this way and all because of what Yoongi had said.
      Was he really upset that Yoongi was happy with someone he loved? Hoseok just guessed he was stupid or something, but his stomach flipped when he heard the news and that Yoongi had done all that just for someone he loved. Was Hosoek selfish, because it felt like that to him. Yoongi was his friend, he should be happy for him, yet, why wasn't he?

Hoseok was frustrated with himself, and he wasn't entirely honest with Yoongi. The past few days weren't the best in his case. During those few days, he had passed out again, and there were times it was hard for him to move or even breathe sometimes. It was the worse and somehow, he managed to not let others know of his condition.
     Just when he thought things were going to be okay, someone rushed over to him, jumping onto his back making him gasp.

"Hobi hyung!" Someone said cheerfully. With a chuckle and forcing a smile on his face, he turned to face his "attacker".
      "Yah what are you doing here huh?"
"I'm bored hyungg," The younger replied as Hoseok stopped, watching the younger get off and stand in front of him.
      "How have you been Jungkook-ah?" Hoseok askes with a soft smile as Jungkook nodded. His black soft hair bobbing a up and down just a bit.
"Great! How about you?"
"Doing fine." He replied.
       "You sure? You don't seem like it." Jungkook said as Hoseok chuckled.
"Well you did scare me."
"Oh right. Haha. Sorry hyung." Jungkook said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its fine." Hoseok then snapped his fingers with a smile. "How about this. Why don't we go and eat somewhere huh?"
       "Sure! But I'm paying this time!" Jungkook said cheerfully as Hoseok ran passed him.
"Like you can!" He said as Jungkook ran after him.

Hoseok sat at a booth with the younger male sitting across from him munching on his food happily, sitting at the small restaurant Hoseok worked at as they sat at their usual booth by the window. As they ate, they spoke amongst each other laughing and goofing around when Jungkook spoke of something that grabbed Hoseok's attention almost immediately.

"I'm actually happy for Jimin-ssi hyung, especially when today is Valentine's Day and all." Jungkook said biting into his hamburger, Hoseok tilted his head curiously at Jungkook.
      "What do you mean? Did something happen to Jimin?"
"Something really great." Jungkook smiled his bunny smile.
"Care to elaborate about what you mean?" Hoseok pouted as Jungkook chuckled placing his bitten hamburger, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

"Remember how Jimin was moping ever since he old about his lover that he broke up with a while back?" Jungkook asked as Hoseok nodded sadly.
      "He was so heartbroken. It hurted to see him in pain since then." Hoseok sighed.
      "Wellllll, things got better just today for him! Turns out the two made up got together! Today they're heading out and spending Valentine's together! And this time, HERE in our area!" Jungkook cooed.
"Aigooo, really? I'm so happy for him!" Hoseok chuckled happily when he froze at the next words Jungkook let out.
       "I learned that his name is Min Yoongi and they've decided to come here to your restaurant!" Hoseok then flipped out, he couldn't believe his ears as his heart pounded against his chest loudly as he spat his sprite all over Jungkook who wailed and covered himself with his sleeves, wiping the washed up drink from his face and body screaming Hoseok's name. But obviously the older male wasn't focused on that. He yelled in fact, and at Jungkook.
      "They're coming here?! When?! How?!"
"Yah! Chill! Its not like they're animals unlike mister elephant here!" Jungkook shouted as he spat and wiped his face with napkins. "Besides, why are you freaking out?!"
      "I'm freaking out because-" Hoseok then gasped as he clutched onto his shirt, holding onto it tightly as he winced, closing his eyes tightly at the increasing pain towards his heart as Jungkook huffed.
      Hoseok struggled to get his words out when the bell rang, meaning that the door opened and someone walked in or out. Breathing heavily, Hoseok turned to see who it was when his eyes widened shakily. Walking in was people he regretted to see. In fact, it was the worst sight in his life, at least for the situation he was under and it was beginning to get overwhelming. He felt like crying on the spot for letting them, or could possibly, let them see him at this horrid state and in an open area too. Holding hands together talking was two people, two people he never wanted to see on this day. Jimin hopped in swinging the other's hand happily as he laughed at whatever they spoke of, and the other, was Yoongi who held the beautiful red roses in his free hand with a gummy smile on his face. Then, behind them walked in Hoseok's own sister, Jiwo who giggled as she followed the two inside.

Hoseok then slammed his back against the booth, slouching down so he wouldn't be seen as he tried to gain his composure again as Jungkook peered at him tilting his head.
     "What is it hyung? It's like you've seen a ghost."
You can basically say I flipping pancakes did! Hoseok wanted to shout, but he just smiled.
"O-Oh its just um-um-"
"HOSEOKIE!" Jimin shouted before throwing himself onto him, wrapping his arms around Hoseok with a bright smile on his face with pink cheeks.
       "Jimin!" Hoseok and Jungkook said in unison.
"There's my dongsaeng!" Jiwo exclaimed with a giggle.

Hoseok then laughed nervously as Jimin unwrapped his arm, no longer embracing him when a deep voice caught Hoseok's attention, sending a shiver down his spine.
      "Hobi? Is that really you?" Looking up reluctantly, Hoseok met the dark brown eyes of the older boy taking in his handsome features, everything as the older smiled more.
"It really is you Hobi." He said with a low purr as Hoseok gulped giving him a smile.
        "Hoseok, this is Yoongi, which you obviously know but he's...Well hes my boyfriend!" Jimin giggled as he hugged Yoongi pressing a soft kiss against his cheek, slowly, Hoseok's smile went a bit smaller and much more softer as he nodded.
"Congratulations you two..."
        "Yeah!" Jungkook cheered.


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