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Hey you! You remember me right? Of course you do! I'm the author of this story. Didn't think I'd publish something on this story after it was completed right? Well, actually. This story is completed, but, there is things I do want to edit and have things in proper order within the story. How will this be done? Well, the story will be labelled "A Letter For You ||Sope Fanfiction|| EDITING". When you see this, each chapter will be modified! So the total of 53 chapters will be redone. So every two days, starting tomorrow on October 28, chapters will be republished and edited entirely. Each chapter, starting from "Hello!" will be edited and posted beginning on the 28th, however because it takes time to edit these and be able to post them on a regular basis, as stated, the next chapter will be republished two days later and the process will continue from there.

What about the small chapters where I have my own annotations separately and apologies? Yes, you've got it right. They will be removed so that the story runs smoothly. But don't worry! Everything you have read will be stated as it has original been done, but, some chapters may appear shorter or longer than the original layout as seen. So please, be patient as I do these and please forgive me if I do not keep to my word on the setup of chapters that are supposed to be posted on these specific days since I too am busy with other things within my personal life.

I hope that you all did enjoy reading this lovely story I had made and was inspired to make from a dear friend of mine, @MarcyL_GV and @TheTruthOfStories97. They too will be creating their own stories where the three of us may collaborate on. Very much good news too, I have two announcements that may interest you!

MarcyL_GV is a friend of mine working on her own story. Now, it is NOT about BTS but she is free to suggestions and you're free to message her within wattpad. At the moment however, she is working on a story based on EXO and her page is mostly based on EXO considering she is most familiar with them as much as BTS. If you're itching to read of Sebaek (Sehun x Baekhyun) and other types of ships or a plot line of romance, possible mystery and such that are upcoming on her own account, please check her out.

As for TheTruthOfStories97, it is with great pleasure and relief to notify all that he will return soon and be posting within his own page when he has recovered entirely. As for his story, We Must Survive (with the three of us working together), will be back up and being finished once he has returned. 

With this, I can't wait to present to you the fully edited version of "A Letter For You ||Sope Fanfiction||"! 

A Letter For You ||Sope Fanfiction|| EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant