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"What I said.... It's true... I did find someone better, I found someone who cared for me more than Jimin has for such a long time... Made me happy... Willing to do anything for me....Who wouldn't leave me no matter what I faced...what had happened even if it meant losing their friend...."

"Hoseok.... Hoseok I-I... I love you."

Hoseok stared at Yoongi in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, trying to understand it as his cheeks flushed red.
      "Y-Yoongi... Y-You can't mean that. Di-Did you drink something? W-Was it the kiss?" Hoseok stuttered as Yoongi shook his head.
"Hoseok I didn't drink. It wasn't just the kiss Hoseok." Yoongi answered. "I mean everything I said."
        "You were willing to lose Jimin as a friend because he told you to never talk to me...You didn't even know me that well and you were willing to do that for me... When I had no one to talk to, you sent me letters, you texted me, you made sure I was okay and tried to make me happy. And look. You did.

When I was upset that Jimin arrived hours than he should've for our date...I was ready to leave in shame and anger. Because I wasted your time but you took me out and we had fun." Hoseok listened intently, licking his dry lips nervously as he stared at Yoongi, yet, he felt so comfortable. Even with the situation, he wasn't uncomfortable. Surprising isn't it after someone kissed you, right?

"You make me feel loved, cared for, special. Making me smile that stupid gummy smile I have, we call each other nicknames I'd usually despise but I don't..Jimin didn't show this to me for so long, ever since we got together again and even before I met you."
      "Yoongi..." Hoseok said softly as he saw Yoongi's eyes wander towards the sun, almost hidden by the buildings as the night sky approached. But what Hoseok saw was Yoongi, only him with teary eyes.
"I'm scared... I'm scared to loose everyone I ever cared for, I'm scared to open up and fall in love... Im even terrified right now because for all I know, you may not even feel the same way and I loose you just like I did with Jimin..."

Yoongi then took in a deep, shaky breath before he looked at Hoseok who stared at him with his soft dark brown eyes.
       "But after everything.... I can't keep my feelings for you much longer... I know you may not feel the same and I'm sorry for this. Sorry for what I did-"

Hoseok then pulled Yoongi forward, into his arms and chest as he embraced the older male.
      "Stop saying sorry, don't cry..." Hoseok said softly as he gently petted Yoongi's head to comfort the other.

"It's okay..So don't get upset and stop apologizing because you did nothing bad. Nothing wrong.."
      Hoseok then breathed in, Yoongi slowly nuzzled his head to Hoseok's chest as he stayed in the other's arms sniffling.
"I-....Im scared too. Why? Because I don't know if I am the right person for you, I don't want to hurt you too-"
      "But you won't-"
      "It can happen Yoongi... It can happen someday with what I condition. But, I can't say I don't feel something for you too..I just don't know how to explain it. I never fell in love before.. And I'm sorry.."

"Yet.... I know one thing," Hoseok said as he hugged Yoongi tighter, just a bit. "I wanna try... I want to try my best to make you always happy Min Yoongi."
      "W-Wait...Hoseok do you mean..." Yoongi looked at Hoseok, seeing his soft warm smile on his face.
"Yoongi, do you want to go out with me?" Hoseok questioned as Yoongi's eyes widened.

"Holy shit-...Oh my god. Hoseok, yes. Absolutely." Yoongi laughed happily before he hugged Hoseok back, both snuggling with each other.


Jungkook and Taehyung then stared, jaws opened wide in shock as Jin stood there blinking in disbelief. Then there was Namjoon who had his hand over his mouth, frozen on spot.

"Uh oh." Jungkook said.
       "Eommaaaaaa.." Taehyung whined as Jungkook and him tried to block Jin, but failed immediately as Jin shoved their arms out of the way.
"CHILD HAS A FUCKING DAAAAAAAATE!" Jin screamed as Hoseok and Yoongi screamed in surprise, hugging each other tightly as the four rushed onto the roof.

"Watch out my boyfriend's going on crazy Eomma mode!" Namjoon laughed as Jin marched over.
         "I wanna live!" Hoseok said as Yoongi laughed nervously as they stood up in each other's embrace tightly.
"DON'T KILL OUR HYUNGS!" Jungkook joked.
"THEY STILL HAVE A LIFE!" Taehyung added as the two younger males laughed loudly as they watch Jin put his hands on his hips, scolding the two as Namjoon tries to calm his partner.

     "YAH! YAH! NOT THE FLIPFLOP!" Yoongi yelled.
"BUT YOU INSISTED SOMETHING ABOUT ME AND YOONGI EOMMA!" Hoseok protested as Jin quickly motioned for Taehyung to take his flipflop off.
"TAEHYUNG DON'T TAKE OFF YOUR FLIPFLOP- NO!" Hoseok screamed as Jin held the flipflop, his weapon he'd used to slap them dead.

"RUN!" Namjoon yelled as he held Jin within his arms as the older male protested and wiggled in his arms. "RUN ROMEO AND JULIET!"
        "SHUT YOUR FACE!" Yoongi blushed as he grabbed Hoseok's hand and they bolted down the stairs laughing as Taehyung and Jungkook sang "DASI RUN RUN RUN!"
"IF YOU LOVE ME NAMJOONIE YOU WILL LET GO!" Was the last thing Yoongi and Hoseok heard before they joined again the party as they squeezed through people giggling and chuckling "Pardon,", "Excuse me,", "Coming through," until they were safe outside on the lawn of the house.

"I guess we're a crazy couple." Hoseok teased as they dropped onto the grass laughing. Yoongi only smiled his gummy smile, intertwining their fingers as he looked at Hoseok.
      "A crazy couple indeed. Well, when we decide if we're official." Yoongi replied.'re my world. My hope. My sunshine. Ill make sure you're happy, with me if you really are... Just like you've always have for me. My Hobi.

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