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Dear Yoongi,

      It's been a while since I've heard from you. Is everything alright? I hope I didn't bombard with you too much. How have you been doing? If you're wondering how I am doing, I've been doing fine and my homework is a bit lighter than it has been these past few months.
      Its getting closer by a few months till the end of the school year before I start looking for colleges to go too. If this helps for you, there's one in Gwangju called Chonnam National University. There's also one called Pukyong National University. I'm not quite sure if these two colleges are the best or are near where you live, but I hope it helps at least.
      I know Pukyong National University is in Busan, right where Jimin was born in. You're probably wondering why I suggested the one in Gwangju. Well, its a college I should know about along with others since I grew up in Gwangju. But I don't live there anymore, I moved here into Seoul.
      I hope to hear from you soon and I hope everything is going well for you too. Jimin hasn't said a word about you much lately, but did say that you were busy. Stay strong though! Fighting!

      Jung Hoseok.

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