Ch 15 - Less Talk, More Work

Comenzar desde el principio

That explained his hostile behavior all along. Although he had no memory of that now, it was as though a shadow of it crept inside the secluded chambers of his brain, causing him to feel depressed in the emptiness of an unknown previous life.

"Sara!" Newt shouted at her, startling her, and interrupting her thoughts. "What is up with you?"

"Huh? What—what do you mean?" Her voice trembled.

"You just... zoned out. What are you thinking about?" he asked curiously.

Oh no.

And there she was again, regret eating away at her soul, while she debated on what to respond. She wanted to tell him everything but couldn't—it was still too early.

As Sara thought more about it, there was a significant difference between the two dreams. Newt could see the faces, barely, but he simply couldn't recognize them from the lack of memory. She, instead, only saw blurs rather than faces, silhouettes in place of bodies, giving no space for recognition regardless of her intact memories.

Next thing she realized was that she didn't ever remember being present in the scene she saw in her dream. Newt was most likely present in the scene of his dream; he just didn't remember.


Rebecca wanted her to see what she saw. She somehow gave her that memory, that truth—whatever it was.

She still had so many questions that she almost wished she would've waited more time to get into the Maze to have Rebecca explain in full detail. Yet if she hadn't come when she did, she wouldn't have been able to talk Newt out of jumping. It didn't make much of a difference given he did anyway, but things could've ended worse if he hadn't had her as a distraction at that moment.

When she was done sharing her dream with Newt, he suddenly gained interest in the conversation, as if they were solving a crime or a mystery. She couldn't blame him; she felt the same way. Only difference was that she knew more, and knowing the truth was far more terrifying than simply speculating, like he thought they were both doing.

Recalling her own dream, Sara felt a freezing shiver travel down her spine. Why did all those dreams involve murder in them?

"Well, do you think it's the creators trying to show us something?" Sara perked up, momentarily forgetting Newt was still talking to her. "What could be so important that they feel we need to know?"

Sara searched for the easiest way out of the conversation. "Well... maybe they want to test if we remember things from our past?" she asked, and he shrugged. "Will the others ask us about this—I mean—aren't nightmares pretty common around here?"

Newt pursed his lips and shook his head. "Well, they're common, but probably not like what you and I saw. We just have to act cool about it and they won't ask."

That seemed easy to do.

"Good," she said.

"Yah, they don't really care about that. They just want to stay clear from the annoying Greenie." He wore a satisfied smirk as he replied.

Surprised at his first hint of humor, Sara smiled and went along with it. "You're a slinthead, you know that?" She playfully stuck out her tongue as his smirk widened. She guessed he found her use of their language quite ridiculous, which was probably the first thing they ever agreed upon.

It seemed like round two with him went better than expected. There had been a lot of tension between them ever since she went into the Glade. It was nice to change the routine.

After a few moments, Sara's eyelids were involuntarily drooping, and Newt noticed.

Mocking her, or so she thought, he muttered, "Maybe that's enough for one night. Go back to bed, shank. I want some sleep too—don't think you're special."

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