Bonus Chapter 2: Inside Arsen's mind

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Idk what is slight even anymore.

Word count: 6304

Yes, you are seeing this chapter and the title correctly :).

Chapter 26 in Arsen's POV. The night of the deal if you remember that.


Of course I knew that it was wrong what I had been doing. I knew that it was a mistake of what I was going to do, but I couldn't resist.

I couldn't resist the temptation of Finn's words. What he had promised me that would happen.

I knew that I was a stubborn bitch, but I couldn't help myself.

"She is going to hate us," I told Finn as if in a warning.

I was not really on board with his plan, I had not been since day one. Since the first time that we had really seen her.

His plan was stupid, undeniably stupid. And yet I was going along with it.

I sent him a glare in the back of my mind as I made my way towards the cave. I felt a little angry with myself because of what I was going to do. And I knew that I was the worst ever for saying yes, but I could not say no to Finn's conditions.

I was finally going to get laid.

After eighteen years of being a virgin, it was finally going to happen.

Reading all of those dumb erotic romance novels didn't help.

"I can't believe you want me to sleep with her just so she would hate me and run to you," I muttered under my breath as I leaned against a tree.

"It's not as if you are complaining. Oh, come on. Don't back out on me now. You know that I cannot do this on my own. Please, I need your help," he begged. "Besides, it's not like you don't want to screw her."

"It sounds awful if you put it that way," I admitted.

I tapped my feet against the tree as I waited for her to arrive. I knew that she was going to come tonight because I could tell that from earlier when I had left. When I had touched her, I could feel her shiver which clearly told me that she was awake. I knew that she had pretended to be asleep.

A sly smile appeared on my lips at the thought of her being so disobedient.

How she always felt the need to disobey me. That included her not following my rules, giving me respect, snap back at me. It made me feel like she wanted it, she wanted it as much as me. As if she was doing it on purpose to piss me off.

And as much as she tried to deny it, you could see straight past her lies. And I knew that she was mine by the way her body reacted to my touch, the way her breathing got heavy from just hearing my voice. It was enough to make me want to claim her as mine.

Although I knew that she was already mine. She had been since day one.

And I had been hers.

"She is not even here yet and you already have a freaking hard-on."

I rolled my eyes at Finn, feeling frustrated. Which was a regular mood. My every day mood.

I wanted to show her who she belonged to, to finally officially claim her as mine.

My hands clenched into fists as her scent invaded my mind. Her sweet aroma that was enough to make my mouth water.

And I could only watch in anticipation as she walked over to the dead body that I had left there on purpose, for her to see. I rolled my eyes when I took in what she was wearing. Some jeans shorts and a hoodie. My hoodie.

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