Chapter 38

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Suggested song:
Running Home To You"
By: NH2 or Grant Gustin


Word count: 4936


Finn shut his eyes when vomit covered the front of his shoes.

He patted my back soothingly.

I wiped my mouth and then leaned back. "Goddamnit."

I felt entirely sick.

Finn stepped over the vomit, then towards me. He crouched down when he was in front of me. His hand reached out to touch my face, eyes looking into mine intensely.

"Lenore, what is going on with you?"

I shrugged while calming down a little when his right hand cupped my cheek. "I don't know. I'm sick."

He touched my forehead with the back of his hand. "You're burning up "

"Wow. Shocker," I exclaimed. "Finn, I'm sick. You need to take me to the doctor."

Instantly, he pulled back. "No. You're fine. You don't need a doctor, I can take care of you."

"You're not a doctor, Finn!" I snapped at him with a glare.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight." He framed my face in his hands, making me look at him. "You don't need anyone else but me. You only need me, so I can take care of you."

"You can't take care of me. Finn, I need real help. There is something wrong and it doesn't help that you're not feeding me properly."

"You are not accepting the food I bring. Lenore, I already said that I'm not letting you leave. I am the only one you need."

I groaned as I fell back on the uncomfortable bed. "This is crazy. Finn, there is something wrong with me. So what if I don't get help soon then I'm going to be even more ill."

"I won't let that happen," he murmured while clasping onto my hand.

"Fine, then the least you can do is make me comfortable. Like stop abusing me for one."

Finn growled at my words. "I am not abusing you. It's called a punishment."

"An abusive punishment," I commented. "Just stop with the punishment, it's only making things worse."

"Fine!" Finn agreed finally. "What else?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Get me a normal bed, this one is shit. Or get me a normal room if you are going to keep me locked up in here forever. And get me water and food. Oh, and a radiator."

Finn groaned. "Why are you so needy?"

"You are keeping me locked up, pretty much in jail, the least you can do is take care of me." Then I added, "Oh, and a toilet with a shower. I haven't showered in more than a week which is disgusting."

"You don't need that."

I scoffed. "And now you're disgusting."

"Fine. I'll get you some of these things."

"And clothes. I've been in these clothes for so long."

Finn sighed and nodded.

I was just about to say something, but I was confused when I felt a sudden heat between my legs.

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