Chapter 22

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Word count: 4197


I couldn't believe this, what I had seen.

My brain felt as if it had been washed.

It was Finn.

No one else.

My head was spinning as I kept walking, back to the pack house.

My mate is a monster.

He kills people for fun.

Or to eat.

I didn't want to go back, but I thought that I at least owed him the chance to explain.

I thought about rejecting him, but I knew that would hurt me as much as him.

And rejecting someone meant pretty much dying.

And I was only seventeen, I wasn't ready for my life to be over so soon.

Plus, I still cared about Finn.

When I was in front of the pack house, I took a deep breath before opening the door.

The house was quiet, no noise coming from it.

What if he's the same crazy wolf?

Will he kill me?

Questions swirled in my head, nearly making me faint because my mind couldn't stop thinking about it.

The smell and the scene of the dead bodies still invaded my senses.

Finn's scent filled the whole house, making me take a deep breath. I felt dizzy.

"Shit. Where is she? She was here when I went to sleep, Adelia! So where is she? And don't act like you don't know!" Finn's voice echoed through the whole house.

Then came my sister's desperate voice. "I swear that I don't know! I haven't seen her, the last time I saw her was when I came to bring tea to her, but you two were already sleeping so I decided not to bother you two."

"You're lying!" Finn accused Adelia.

"Dude, calm down. She doesn't know okay, she's not lying. She was next to me the whole night, trust me when I say that I would have known if she had left."

I heard Finn growl. "I don't fućking believe you. I can bet that this is just a twisted idea that you all came up with. Now where is my mate!"

I covered my ears at the sound of Finn yelling.

"Well maybe she did leave you because you're losing it. I mean look at how you're acting, it wouldn't be a surprise if she left." Adelia scoffed.

Finn growled again and it nearly shook the entire house. "You little-"

"Bro, calm down. Finn, what the hell is wrong with you?" Javier shouted.

I stepped in the kitchen quietly, eyes wide as I stared at the scene in front of me. Finn was holding onto Adelia by her neck tightly, against the wall while Javier tried to push him off.

"I won't hesitate to snap your neck if you don't tell me where the fućk she is!"

When Adelia probably heard me, her head snapped in my direction. "Lenore is right there."

I noticed how Finn's hold loosened. "What?"

"She's right there, stupid," Adelia snapped.

Finn turned his head and found me still standing there. He let go of Adelia and I didn't even have the chance to react as he stormed over to me, when he got to me, he grabbed onto my arm roughly and yanked me to him. "Where the fućk have you been?"

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