Chapter 27

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A/N: Suggested song for the chapter is "Try"- by Tyler Ward. You don't have to listen to it, but I just thought it fit the chapter :).

Word count:1385


I didn't let go of Adelia the entire night, for hours. When Javier came, Adelia told him not to say a word.

But when night time came, I felt the pain again, the one you get when your mate and you get into a fight. It was worse than the others. So I went to Finn's and I's room, grabbed the shirt that he had worn the day before, and just laid in bed.

The days that passed, I only stayed in the room. Adelia or someone else would come to offer me food, but I didn't even feel like eating. I still ate a little bit of it though.

Adelia would come to check up on me, but I wouldn't let her in. But I could hear her talking to Javier by the door, he explained her the situation.

Javier said that he didn't know when Finn would be back.

Weeks passed.

I still didn't leave the room which only worried Adelia and Javier even more. I had a hundred missed calls from my parents and my friends, but I didn't answer.

I couldn't speak to anyone when all I could think about was Finn.

His scent was the only thing that I could smell.

His whole being was the only thing that I could see. Even in my dreams.

And his voice was the only thing that I could hear.

My heart would break with each passing second, when he wouldn't show up.

One day, I could hear Javier yelling behind the door. And it seemed like he was mindlinking Finn. Javier pretty much said that Finn had to come back.

He didn't.

The best part was when it was my birthday and I got my heat.

And he didn't even show up for that, but I still felt like he was around. Somewhere close.

That day when I looked out of the window at night, when my birthday was coming to an end, I saw a wolf in front of the house. Just sitting there.

I thought that it was probably a guard or someone else.

For weeks I just spent hours in the tub, under cold showers.

I was close to having sèx with Finn's shirt and that's not even possible.

I think.

I finally came out of the room, about a month later, when it all became too much.

Now I was sitting at the dinner table while Adelia was cooking. When I first stepped in, she was mostly shocked by my appearance, but didn't make a move to hug me.

I guess she was afraid that I would snap at her or just slap her.

And I most likely would have because I didn't want anyone except Finn touching me.

I hadn't seen Adelia or anyone else for two whole weeks because I had kept the door locked and wouldn't let anyone in.

My face was extremely pale, my eyes were red, buffy and swollen. I was just wearing Finn's sweatpants, his favorite shirt and hoodie. I didn't even give a single crap how hot it was in the room.

I had lost so much weight that it hurt.

Maybe it was because I only ate once a day in every three days.

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